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"Tell Zhenzhen, I'm gonna want my watch back." He said looking to Dariush and they just kept on talking. Gabriel walked up to me,
"Are you sure about this?" He asked taking my face into his hands.
"Someone's gotta do it, right?" I smiled.
"Right...." he stopped talking, the decided otherwise,
"screw it"

Then he kissed me. Like lips on lips kiss. Me, not knowing how to kiss, I just pushed back on his lips and we stayed there, slowly pulling back. Ignoring Dariush's whoops and Alex's laughing and cheering.
"Be careful, yeah?"
"Yeah, always" Alex and I finally started running to the roof

Reaching the roof, we found the satellite we were supposed to be repositioning. Of course it was on the tallest tower, come on this isn't a fairy tale.
"Oh my god that's tall." I heard Alex mumble from beside me.
"Hey, hey, hey, Alex." He looked at me.
"We're going to be okay, we can do this together, alright?" He nodded and we both started moving to the tower, I started climbing on one side and him on the other.

I started going at a reasonable pace and kept Alex going with me.
"Don't look down, don't look down" he kept on reappearing to himself it was like a mantra. After a little while of climbing we finally got to the top. I smiled at him,
"Good job Alex, now lets move the dish." Suddenly Dariush sand Gabriel's voices started ringing around the place,
"Alex! Rowan! Alex! Rowan!"
"God?" I snorted,
"Look down!" I looked down,
"Shit" the alien was climbing towards us. On our second try of trying to push the dish I knew only one of us can stay.
"Alex! Zip line down and run in! I'll move the dish!" I yelled at him,
"Nonono we can do this!" We pushed hard enough and the satellite turned green.

"We did it! Go! Go! go!" We were climbing even faster than before. Alex zip-lined first and than got the alien's attention, he looked down at Alex before looking back at me and continuing to climb. Taking off my belt in record time, I zipped after Alex and landed on the floor. In the time I was zipping, alex had ran and opened the door.
"Holy shit! Let's go Alex!" I heard a giant thug and I guess that the alien jumped onto the ceiling.

As Alex and I were running through the facility to get back to the main control room, Gabriel's voice sounded through the PA system.
"Alex! Zhenzhen! Rowan! Dariush is in bad shape and I can't do this alone!" I looked over at Alex,
"What does he need to do?" I asked.
"Something as sophisticated as Excalibur probably needs two people to activate it. And since we are running, apparently Zhen's not back yet and Dariush is in bad shape, so that means that Gabriel's all alone."
"Well shit. Let's go!"

Reaching the control room we saw that the alien was cornering Dariush, Gabriel and Zhen and they were all screaming. Alex threw his Rubik's cube and handed me the flare gun. As the cube hit the alien, it turned around and spotted us.
"Come at me bitch!" Alex yelled,
"Come get us motherfucker!" I screamed at the alien already knowing Alex's plan.
"What are you doing? You can kill that thing with a flare gun!" Gabriel yelled at me,
"Yeah, but we know what can!" I yelled,
"Launch Excalibur, then meet us outside"
"Alex let's go!" "Ah!" And we started running again.

While Alex and I were running I wanted to make sure I wasn't being stupid.
"We're going to the jets that are hotter than the sun right?" I yelled,
"Yeah! I'm glad you caught on to my plan!"
"Anytime ginger!" Opening the door for him, he ran in,
"We're in here brainless!" I screamed into the air hoping the alien will hear. When I got in, the only thing that I could hear was,
"Warning!" And a bunch of buzzing noises. I walked over to Alex,
"You know what you're doing right? You're not gonna... blow us up or anything are you?" He laughed and shook his head,
"Come here" I ran over there,
"When the alien walks over this part right here," he pointed at the middle of the white, "you're going to shoot the turbine and we're going to deep fry this alien, got it?"
"Yeah I got it" I cocked the flare gun and pointed it at the door.

🎵"Ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough," he stopped getting something in his throat.
🎵"To keep me from getting to you-" I was cut off by growling coming from the door. Raising the gun a little higher, I waited until it got close enough and I shot the gun.

We watched as the jet started letting out a big jet of fire and we both fell back. I dropped the flare gun and held onto Alex as he started screaming and crying. Knowing that it had something to do with his dad I just tucked his head into my shoulder as he was crying.
"I can't!" He screamed and started wailing. He sounded so hurt that I hugged him tighter and started crying myself.
"Alex... Alex it's okay. It's just me" I sobbed with him in my arms.
"No! No!" He wailed and screamed.
"No! Stop!"
"Alex! Please! It's just me!" I sobbed.

Suddenly the jet stopped but shot out fire onto everything around us. I pulled away from Alex and looked him in the eye.
"We'll be okay Alex, we're gonna be okay." I hugged him again.

That shit hurts bro. I almost cried writing this chapter, why am I so bad at writing?
Like, comment and have a good day!

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