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When Alex, Zhen and Dariush finally came back outside, they were surprised that Gabriel and I were holding hands but they did not question it, except for Dariush,
"I-I-I... what..? How..? Why?" Until Zhen hit his arm he didn't stop. They walked back to the bikes and we were off. Riding our bikes through an alleyway. Zhen and Alex were talking in the front,
"How is your watch still working after the pulse?" Good question Zhen.
"It's not electronic, it's mechanical" "oh"
"It was my dad's... he uh..."
"Gave it to you...?" That was obviously wrong but it's not like Zhen knew that,
"Yeah, he gave it to me." No he didn't.
"Yo!" I looked back at Dariush "You got this Alex! You doing good, man!"

Suddenly a bunch of army looking cars zoomed by us and kept on going. We all jumped off our bikes and ran after the cars taking off our helmets,
"Hey!" "Hey!" "Help!" "Stop!" And a bunch more of those until loads of marines showed up behind us with guns pointed at our faces,
"Stay where you are, do not move!" We quickly turned around and raised our hands in the air while dropping our helmets to the floor,
"Same side, same side, same side!" Alex yelled at the marines. Luckily the main one got the clue and he yelled out to the rest that we were not the enemy.

The marine walked up to us and started to lecture us,
"You should've evacuated hours ago, we're at war." And in three, two, one...
"Sir, we were in the mountains when the attack started, C-can you tell us what's going on? How big is the attack?" There you go.
"Did it reach the nation's finest Mercedes dealership?"
"Are you kidding? How can you think about that right now?"
"No, my dad owns it I'm the future heir to that shit!"
"Dude shut the fuck up!" I yelled at Dariush. The stoic voice of the marine cut us off,
"All I can tell you is that you are not safe here." I rolled my eyes,
"You don't think we know that?" He gave me an unimpressed look,
"Everyone get in the bus right now! I'll take you to the evacuation center. (Clap, clap) lets go!" Wait no he needs to take the key,
"Whoa!" "Wait!" "Hold up!"
"Let's go!" Alex starts pulling at his sleeve and the marine gets annoyed,
"Knock it off!"

"Hey don't your chunky ass yell at him, he's trying to save the world!" That got his attention. He whipped around and glared at me but he was also interested at the same time,
"What?" His attention shifted to Alex when he started talking,
"You need to take this key to Pasadena!" Alex gave him the key and the soldier inspects it. He then glanced at Alex and the rest of us,
"Where'd you get this?" He gave us a serious look.
"An astronaut from the space station gave it to us" Zhen started,
"She said we need to take it to JPL." Gabriel continued,
"What's on that key can stop the aliens" Dariush added on,
"You need to get that to JPL in Pasadena to a Dr. Fielding" Alex added,
"Or is that too much for you to understand?" I finished sassily, he gave me another glare but other than that he ignored me,
"We've been receiving Morse code from a Dr. Fielding at JPL all day, finding this key has been the primary objective. Thanks kid, you may have just saved the world".

That was when I started getting suspicious. Normally movies are not this easy so why would this be? I looked over at everyone and saw that they all had relieved expressions and smiles on their faces. Not wanting to ruin their little happy moments I stayed quiet. They all started cheering, thinking that we did it and running to the bus and high-fiving the marine while getting on. When he held his hand up for me, I just walked by him without saying a word.
"Yeah, we did it! Now move your ass!" Are you really sure that we did it though?

Sitting behind Gabriel, Alex noticed my non-excitement and was instantly confused,
"You okay Rowan?" That got everyone's attention. They all looked at me with lingering smiles on their faces awaiting my answer. Not wanting to jinx us, I gave them all a fake smile and just said yeah. That seemed good enough for Dariush, Zhen and Alex but Gabriel stayed turned in my direction with a confused expression on his face.
"You don't seem okay, Hazel" he whispered. Hazel? My name isn't Hazel.
"Have you really forgotten my name? I'm Rowan" I said with a confused expression. He laughed. He had the audacity to laugh at me.
"What's so funny?" He just smiled and said,
"I know what your name is, I said hazel because that's your nickname" he stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"How did you get Hazel from Rowan?"
"Because it's the colour of your eyes" he said turning away.

Wait what? He... my eyes...? What? My thoughts were interrupted by aliens shooting the vehicles ahead of us. The one in front of us exploded causing it to land on the front part of our bus.

Well shit.

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