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Gabriel's POV
(bet y'all weren't expecting that!)

"Dude just stop playing with the Rubik's cube!"
"I can't okay! I can't!"
"We can all agree that they get the beds and we can get the floor, right?" I asked,
"Well yeah, obviously it's the only gentlemanly thing to do." Agreements rang out in the room, suddenly the door opened, Zhenzhen and Rowan came out of the kitchen. Zhenzhen walked over to the furthest bed but Rowan stayed at the door looking at us suspiciously and slowly walking in the room, god she was adorable.

"One of you can sleep with me and one of you can sleep with Rowan." My eyes snapped over to Rowan and she looked like she wanted the floor to swallow her up whole, but she looked up and met eyes with me and smiled. Dariush, Alex and I looked at each other and scrambled  into the kitchen.
"Hold it. Hold it. Wait! Wait! Did she just say one of us can sleep with her or with Rowan?" I was shocked because if I were to sleep with Rowan then... no I wouldn't do that I would just take her into my arms and just hold her until we woke up in the morning.
"Maybe we misheard her?" Alex tries,
"Okay look I will volunteer my services for the good of the group and because I've had the most experience"
"With who Rowan or Zhenzhen?"
"Rowan obviously" I start to get mad at that,
"No way dude you are not sleeping with her and also your 'most experience' is bullshit you don't have any" Dariush just smirked and said,

"Hey, it's better than the Lithuanian smoothies from your bunk mate in juvie" screw him,
"What are Lithuanian smoothies?" Alex asks,
"You don't need to know"
"How about we get Alex and Zhenzhen to sleep together?"
"Because he doesn't want to!"
"I wouldn't say I don't want to"
"They have a connection!" Wow now I'm starting to sound like Rowan,
"We do?"
"So don't be a cock-block."
"Fine, fine alright. Okay, cool" he turned towards Alex,
"I won't block your cock" then he looks down there, "be free" ...that was weird, Dariush straightens back up and looks at me,
"What about Rowan?"
"You touch her and I won't hesitate to break your arm" I growled at him, all Dariush did was smirk, why is he smirking?
"So you like her?" Is all he asked cockily,
"What?" Was my answer,
"All right then go slay the dragon bro" he pats me on the back and goes to change into the pyjamas we found.
Getting back into the room, Alex slowly walks over to where Zhenzhen is and Dariush places himself into the middle of the beds, I hesitate before laying down into the bed that Rowan already is in. She was lying down in bed with her back is facing me so when I lied down she turned around and I got the view I wanted everyday I woke up. She opened her eyes looked up at me and smiled, all I did was smile back as she whispered,
"I'm glad it was you and not Dariush"
"What about Alex?" I was confused as to why not him. Did she want to sleep with him rather than me?
"Because I remember telling you that they were cute together and besides I knew that he was going to go there." She paused,
"They have a connection after all" she winked turning around and I was left staring at her back.

What is she doing to me?

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