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Hopping onto our bikes, we made it out of the mall and onto the street where Alex suddenly stopped, looking at something in the parking lot
"Come on man, don't tell me we gotta teach you again?" Darius complained. I looked at him with raised eyebrows,
"Come on man, don't you ever shut up?" I asked mocking his voice. He just gave me a look in return.
"1973 Ford Mustang Mach One." Alex cut in, I looked over at the cars and saw one that looked perfectly un-touched, lucky us hun?
"My dad had one just like it" he trailed off.
"That mustang doesn't have any computers or anything that can be fried by the pulse, right?" Gabriel asked.
"Right" Alex said with a little smile. We all dropped our bikes at the same time and ran to the car.
"I'm driving" Alex yelled,
"Fuck yeah! Badass Alex in the house!" They all laughed at that.

"Finally got some real wheels up in here! Let's go!" We all hopped in the car, I sat in the back in between Gabriel and Dariush while Alex got in the drivers seat and Zhen sat shotgun. Alex looked down at the stick and hesitates.
"What's wrong Alex?" I asked. He looked back at me and answered.
"I can't drive a stick." Dariush started complaining and bitching as usual.
"I can drive one" I replied quietly, unfortunately everyone heard me.
"Damn girl when did you learn to drive one" Dariush asked me.
"When I was younger, I thought that if I was being beat, than I might as well get beat for something I did. So I stole his car and learned to drive" I replied nonchalantly while shrugging my shoulders.
"Holy shit! Give me some!" I did that handshake that every single guy in the world knows with him. Alex and I switched spots and I started driving. Zhen put on a song with an epic beat and we were off.

I twirled around the parking lot once and sped down the road. Bopping my head along to the song that Zhen put on, the mood was happy and I felt pretty untouchable. Stepping on the gas a little harder, I didn't expect for the alien to jump on the front of our car and dent it, causing us to scream.
"No! The car!" I screamed out.
"Seriously Rowan!? I think that the fact that there's and alien on the from of our car matters the most!" Dariush yelled back at me.
"Guys shut up right now!" Zhen yelled back at us.

The alien kept bashing its head into the font glass. It finally punched it causing the glass to break, it climbed to the roof and pushed its hand through the ceiling grabbing at us. Deciding that I was finished of the alien trying to kill us, I thought about driving the car through the glass of a bus stand.
"Hold on!" I yelled over the screaming. Driving into the stand and getting out, We all thought that the alien was gone and off us but turned out that it was just hanging off the back. Suddenly the back window shatters while the alien jumped on it and roared at us. It swayed the car in different directions while banging on the roof. We got on a bridge and Zhen got an idea.
"Jump!" She screamed at everyone,
"What the fuck Zhen!" I yelled back at her.
"Now! Let's go!" I grabbed my backpack as we pulled open the doors and hopped out. Rolling on the ground because the car was still moving pretty quickly.

I looked up as the car swerved and broke through the dance on the side causing the alien and the car to fly down and for the alien to get smooshed like a bug under the car.
"Way to go Rowan!" Alex yelled.
"Is everyone okay?" Gabriel asked walking over to me to see if I was okay.
"Yeah I good" I told him while smiling. He grabbed my hand and we ran over to the fence and looked over to see the alien. Let's just say that I was a blushing mess.

"Guys. Guys! I don't have the key!" Alex yelled running at us.
"I-it's probably in the car, we need that key!"
"For fucks sake Alex" I mumbled. We all stepped away from the fence and Dariush started walking to get the key,
"Damn it. Damn it. Damn it." He mumbled.
"Where you going?" Alex asked him,
"To get the key" Dariush said.
"No, there's no way we can kill that thing, it's just gonna reanimate." Gabriel said, still holding my hand.
"Yeah but... but we need that key to finish this off" Dariush said.
"You're gonna die if you go down there." Zhen interjected,
"She's right, we'll go down together." Alex said. There was a pause of Dariush just looking at Alex,
"So all five of us can die? I thought you were supposed to be the smart one." Reluctantly letting go of Gabriel's hand I walked over to Dariush to stand in front of him,
"Dude, you can't go by yourself. The five of us make a perfect group with all stereotypical people and we can lose the asshole. If anything I'll go down with you." I said hugging him.

He shook his head pulling me off him looking me in the eye,
"It's my turn. Look man.." he walked up to Alex,
"Did you know I was named after the ancient king of Persia, Darius? Well, do you know who Darius's greatest rival ever was? The only one to ever defeat him?" He asked him,
"Alexander the great."
"Yeah, Yeah, I knew you'd know that. Well look... this time... Darius gets to be the hero" he finished his speech. After a pause after hugged him and told him to do well. He started walking away but he stopped a little further from the group and turned back around summoning me over to him.

I ran over to him and he started talking,
"If I die, I only want one wish."
"Yeah, sure, anything. Oh mighty one" I replied causing him to smile.
"Get together with Gabriel. Please. You guys are both like lovesick puppies and I'm tired of it. He likes you and you like him. Just... kiss him or something okay?" I slowly nodded,
"Anything for you" we hugged.
"Please be careful"
"I will be, don't worry."

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