4: Problem (Part 4)

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"I should be wiser and realize that I've got one less problem without you."


February 16. 1:00 AM.

I just spent the last 6 hours with Scott eating ice cream and watching Spongebob.

When I let him in my room earlier, all he said was, "Can we eat ice cream?" I would've pushed for him to eat real food but I decided to be content with the fact that he was eating something.

"Sure," I told him. "I'll just get them. Couch?"

"Okay." He walked out of my room and got comfortable on the couch.

You remember how my Plan B was to binge eat ice cream on V-Day? It's the reason why our freezer was stocked with different kinds. I grabbed two pints, chocolate flavor for him and vanilla for me. I also got each of us a spoon and walked over to the living room. By the time I got there, Scott had already started playing the Spongebob DVD.

I sat beside him and gave him the ice cream and his spoon. We sat there for about an hour without talking. I was dying to ask him what happened between him and Alex and I also felt the need to explain to him what he saw going down between me and Travis. But it didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk. He silently ate his ice cream and continued staring at the screen. He didn't even laugh. It was painful watching him.

After what probably were 10 episodes of Spongebob, he got the remote and put the TV on mute. He snuggled closer to me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and rested his forehead on my shoulder.

I didn't know what else to do so I put my left arm behind his back and rested my cheek on his head.

He took a deep breath before speaking up. "Alex asked me to move in with him and I said no. We got into a huge fight and it ended in us breaking up."

I didn't see that coming. Okay, I may have said in my previous entry that I hate Alex because he doesn't realize how lucky he is that he has Scott. Maybe I was wrong? Because why else would he want Scott to move in with him, right?

I tried to face Scott but he just hugged me tighter, keeping me in place.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore, Mitch. I just told you because I knew you were dying to know. Details next time."

"Okay," I replied. I knew that Scott would share when he was ready. I would just have to wait for that.

We remained in that position, embracing, looking at the muted TV screen.

"So, you and Travis, huh?" He spoke up after a couple of minutes.

I knew it. Took him long enough to ask.

"We're not back together, Scooter. It was V-Day, I was lonely, I've had too much to drink, he was available."

"Did he stay the night?"

He sounded a little angry but I shrugged it off. "No. I sent him away when you arrived."

"If I didn't arrive sooner or if I didn't go home at all, would you have let him stay the night?"

Interesting question. I thought about it.

"Maybe... I don't know." There was no point lying to Scott. "But I don't have to think about that now, do I? You came and you stopped me from doing something I would regret for a very long time."


I'm not sure but I think he smiled when he said that. His cheek moved against my shoulder.

"You deserve better, Stefanie. You know that, right?"

First the smile, then the nickname. Scott was starting to lighten up.

"Yeah, I do. But I tend to forget. Next time, will you remind me?"

"You know I will, Michelle."

We fell silent again. It was one of those moments where the silence was welcome.



"Do we have more ice cream?"

I laughed. "We've got ton of them, Scottie. Wait, I'll get it." I disentangled myself from his embrace, stood up and got us some more. When I went back to the couch Scott had turned volume back on.

And that was how we spent the rest of the night - eating ice cream and watching Spongebob.

It's 3:00 AM. I want to write more but I'm tired. I haven't even told you yet what happened V-Day night. Tomorrow, I promise. Mommy needs her beauty rest.

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