15: Latch (Part 3)

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"You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down."


September 10. 4:30 PM.

Scott has been sneezing the entire day. It's gross. He kinda looks like a reindeer, though. His nose is so red it's cute. Also, if you didn't know he was sick, you'd think he was going through a break-up. His bed is littered with tissues!


September 10. 9:00 PM.

My baby seems to be getting worse. I just tucked him in bed. I offered to stay but he said he didn't want me catching the virus. Honestly, I don't want to get sick, too.


September 11. 10:00 AM.

Scott definitely is worse. He could barely get up this morning. Despite that he was insistent on having Starbucks. I should've stood my ground but he was all, "Babe, I'm already sick. At least let me get happy food. Or happy drink. Please?" Then he was hugged and kept on kissing me on the cheek, jaw, neck (everywhere except my lips) until I said yes. I know, I'm a bad boyfriend but it's so hard to resist Scott Hoying!


September 11. 4:00 PM.

Scott's hot. I mean like literally hot. Well he is also very hot in the other sense but that's not the point. He spiked a fever. His voice is starting to get raspy and he said he's aching all over. Coffee's not supposed to do that, right? Or was it my fault? I knew I shouldn't have given him coffee. He's sleeping now. He's been sleeping most day, actually. Must be the meds.


September 11. 9:40 PM.

You know what I realized? I'm not that used to taking care of Scott. All these time he's been the one taking care of me. Very good care, actually, in certain aspects... if you catch my drift. I think I've done a pretty good job returning the favor in THAT part of our relationship, but I've mostly been so-so in other aspects. I mean we looked out for each other when we were just best friends, and we continue to do so now that we're boyfriends. But I've been thinking about the past few months, and it sort of dawned on me how Scott has done so much. The coffee runs, always doing what I want, respecting my decision to keep us a secret at the start, and other little things. All about me. Wow, I feel selfish.

It was my first time to cook for Scott earlier. Like the first time I cooked something for him. I sometimes cooked before, but that was more of a chore that we alternated doing simply because we had to eat and we can't just buy food all the time. But earlier, I chose to make him something because I wanted to. I wanted to take care of him. It was just chicken noodle soup but whatever. Am I getting my point across?

It was around 7 pm when I visited him in his room. I brought with me a full dinner tray, with soup, bread, and fruits, the works. He was curled up under the sheets like a giant fetus. I set the food on the bedside table and got on top of the covers. "Babe," I tapped his shoulder lightly. "Wake up. I brought you dinner."

He grunted then tried to curl up more. He really looked like a giant fetus.

"Come on, babe, I know you feel bad but you need to put something in your stomach."

More grunting.

I leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I'll even literally feed you. Just please sit up." I kissed his cheek and that's when I realized how hot he was. Nope, make that more than hot. "Woah, babe! You're burning!" I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead. Yep, very hot. "Did you take your medications like I said?"

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