Blank Space

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"I'm dying to see how this one ends."


November 14. 12:21 AM. (Actual date and time)

No, this is not an update but an author's note.

A couple of things:

1. Thank you for being with me in this amazingly incredible journey. I never expected this book to gain a huge following (I feel it's huge) and I am very much overwhelmed by your support. Thank you so much from the bottom of my happy heart. <3

2. When I first started this book, I made an outline for the whole thing and I only planned on writing around 7 chapters, 10 at most... I'm surprised I made it as far as 24. I've decided that this book will only cover PTX Volume III songs, not including Papaoutai so...

3. You guessed right. We're almost at the end. I haven't been replying to the comments in the last few chapters because I didn't want to give the story away and I wasn't sure what to say anyway. 

4. The story can go a couple of ways. I'm not 100% sure which path I'll choose because I honestly only planned up to the part where Scott would go missing. Options: I end the book and start book two, end the book and start a whole new book, or end the book and maybe do one-shots for the mean time. Or I could focus on "Hi, I'm Mitch". I'll be leaving for the airport in less than 2 hours and I'll be traveling in the next 4 days so I'll think it over during that time.

5. Please don't hate me. I love you. And again, thank you. 

You know how to reach me. Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram/Kik/Snapchat/Tablo/Wattpad: evekatalbas.

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