D: Love Again

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"I don't mean to point the blame but baby, you have hurt me to my very core."


Sept 1. 12:00 PM.

I woke up to a a sweet message from Mitch, written on a coffee cup sleeve.

I am so lucky to have him. I love him so much!


Sept 4. 9:35 AM.

I never doubted for one second that they would support us but it's great to know that both our parents are approve of our relationship.

By the way, Mitch called me babe last night and I swear to god it's one of the sexiest things to ever come out of his mouth. I love how he says it and the fact that I'm the one he's calling babe. 


Sept 4. 11:40 PM.

We told the rest of PTX today, including Esther and Jonathan. I kind of expected for them not to believe us and for Jonathan to have his doubts. I'm just glad they know and I don't have to hide what I feel for Mitch. Now I can also kiss him freely even when they're around. But that was some stunt I pulled earlier ha. I didn't see Kevin and Avi's bet coming, though. Those two are crazy!


Sept 15. 3:30 PM.

I was sick the last the few days and honestly it surprised me that Mitch stepped up and took really good care of me. I guess I was just used to taking care of him and not the other way around. It felt different - the good kind of different. Makes me want to get sick again. Haha.


Sept 16. 9:25 AM.

He was already sneezing yesterday and now my baby is sick. It's my fault. I shouldn't have kissed him a lot when I was sick!


Sept 16. 6:00 PM.

I really don't want to leave Mitch especially now that he's sick but Lauren's in LA. We're having dinner later. I've missed her! I wish Mitch could come with us.


Sept 17. 2:00 AM.

Happy 23rd birthday to me!

Mitch is sleeping beside me. I love watching him sleep. My poor baby, though, he's been sick.

I could wish for more success for PTX or Superfruit or to be BFFs with Beyonce but seriously, all I need is the man sleeping beside me. I already have the perfect gift. <3


Sept 18. 8:55 PM.

Yesterday was.... intense. Mitch is so bad! I got genuinely scared with the fake fainting he pulled. The hospital trip was a little over the top but Mitch is Mitch. Such a drama queen. It was good to see our friends, though. The McDonalds party was fun! We played kiddie games and I danced with the mascot and had loot bags.

His other surprise, on the other hand, was 100 kinds of sweet. I don't know what I did to deserve the kind of love he is giving me but all I know is that now, more than ever, I am head over heels in love with Mitch and he is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

And I almost forgot. Beyonce on vinyl and a vinyl record player. Wow.


Sept 25. 7:50 PM.

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