17: Rather Be (Part 1)

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"As long as I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be."


September 18. 9:00 AM.

Yesterday was generally a success, albeit a few mishaps. The smile on Scott's face was priceless and I know that I did well. 

I waited for him to come home from his dinner the other night. I wanted to be the first one to personally greet him a happy birthday. I sat on the couch and watched TV to pass the time. I was feeling better compared to when I woke up that morning, but I still wasn't in top shape. I took my meds round the clock in the hopes of getting better faster. By 11:30 PM my eyelids were already heavy. I decided to take a nap and set an alarm for 11:55 PM, just in case Scott still wasn't home.

I woke up not to the sound of my phone's alarm but to soft lips gently kissing me.

"Babe, wake up." Scott whispered in my ear.

I squinted and took a second to orient myself. "Hey, you're back!" I reached for my phone and checked the time. "What? It's 1 AM already?" I suddenly sat up, my head now on the same level as Scott's. "I missed the start of your birthday." I pouted and frowned.

"Mitchie, it's okay. Don't sweat it." He smiled. 

"But -"

Scott put a finger to my lips. "It's no big deal. We still have 23 hours to go."

I already screwed up the first thing I wanted to do for his birthday but I didn't want it to ruin my mood so I put on the biggest smile. "Happy birthday, my Scottie." I cupped his face before leaning in and giving him a kiss. "I love you."

"I like the sound of that. My Scottie." He grinned before planting a kiss on my lips. "Thank you, my Mitchie. And I love you, too."

"Wait, let me get you my gift."

"Present time already? I like presents!" Scott excitedly clapped his hands.

I stood up from the couch. "It's only my first gift. Don't expect too much. Close your eyes."

Scott did as I said. "Oooh, there's more than one!"

I disappeared into the kitchen and got him my first present (sort of). It was a bunch of cake pops with a letter each, spelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SC<3TT". The last one had the design of his favorite emoji. I walked back to the couch, sat opposite Scott and said, "Happy birthday, babe. Open your eyes." 

Scott may be 6'3" tall and 23 years old but he is a child at heart. His smile was so adorable when he saw what I had for him. "Oooh, cake pops! It's so cute, babe! I love it!"

"Do the honors." I handed him the cake pop with the heart on it.

"Let's take a photo first." He brought out his phone, held the stick with a heart in between our faces, and snapped a photo. "The heart's perfect." He beamed. "Let's do one more." He faced me, put one side of the cake pop on his lips, and leaned in. I mirrored what he did and Scott took a photo. He looked so satisfied. "We're so cute."

"That we are," I replied.

Scott put down his gift on the coffee table then pulled me into an embrace. "Thank you for so many things, but most especially thank you for making me happy."

"You make me a very happy man, Scott." I said, hugging him back.

"Bed time?" He had the look and I knew exactly what he meant.

"Yes, bed time. Sleepy time. Actual sleep."

He frowned.

"No hanky panky tonight, mister."

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