16: Latch (Part 4)

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"If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down."


September 16. 12:00 PM.

Just like that, the roles have shifted. Scott has been playing nurse to me all morning, taking care of everything he thinks I need. Beside my bed is a tray of food and water and medications. Honestly I don't have much of an appetite but I have to get better soon. I need to! Note to self: take meds round the clock.


September 16. 8:00 PM.

This getting sick thing is really growing on me. The timing's bad but boy, do I love the perks.

Scott came into my room earlier. I woke up from my nap when he sat down on the bed and placed the back of his hand on my forehead.

"Hey, gorgeous. I'm sorry I woke you up. How are you feeling?"

"Still pretty bad."

"You don't seem so hot."

"I don't?" I frowned.

He bent down and kissed me lightly on the lips. "You know what I mean."

"Shouldn't we NOT be kissing? The virus is just going to travel back and forth between us."

"Maybe it will. But I cannot NOT kiss you. That's too hard." 

"You're right. Maybe... you can kiss me elsewhere?" Even in sickness I wanted to flirt.

Scott's eyes widened and he smiled playfully. "Go on, I'm listening."

Then it hit me that I wanted to actually get better and play time with Scott was probably not going to help. "Oh, nevermind. I should rest. Big day tomorrow, right?"

"Not a big deal. And don't change the subject. Let's go back to the kissing elsewhere thing?" He slid down the bed and lay sidewards to face me, propping his head on his fisted hand.

"Babe, I want to kiss you. All the time. But now is probably not a good idea. I seriously don't want you getting sick again. And I need to rest. Like rest, rest."

HIs smile disappeared for a second but Scott was quick to recover. "Then I'll rest with you."

"Sandra -"

"No, I'm staying. End of discussion."

If I was being completely honest, I loved that Scott was there with me. His presence alone made me feel better. I turned my back to him but scooted backwards, allowing Scott to spoon me. I was a little sleepy from the medications so I shut my eyes and soon I drifted to sleep.

Correction, I tried to sleep but I couldn't since I felt Scott's lips on the back of my neck while his fingers were making small circles on my hips. 

"Baaaabbeeeee." I whined.

He removed his lips from my nape. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Go to sleep." He hugged me tight.

So I tried to go to sleep. But I couldn't. Scott was only still for a while before he started playing with the hem of my shirt.

"How can I sleep when you're doing that?"

"I'm not even kissing you." His mouth was so close to my neck I could feel his breath.

"But you're playing with my shirt."

"Then take it off so I don't get distracted. Maybe it'll help bring your temperature down."

"You and your excuses to get me naked, Mr. Hoying." I chuckled. "I feel a little hot but I know I'll feel cold if the shirt is off. So it's not going anywhere."

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