21: On My Way Home (Part 2)

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"Where will I run to?"


October 27. 3:00 AM.

I've calmed down. A little bit. I have been playing my one-sided conversation with Scott in my head over and over in the past hour.

He said "no, Alex" when I tried taking off his clothes. He thought I was Alex and he said NO. That's good, right? Right?!

But what did he mean when he said he won't tell me? Scott and I don't keep secrets from each other. At least I didn't.

I am going crazy. I hate that Scott is now completely passed out. I tried calling Tyler but he didn't answer. I want to call Kitty but I didn't want to involve her in this. Not yet. Not when I don't know what the fuck happened.


October 27. 4:10 AM.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I love Scott and I trust him but I am starting to think of the worst.

He wouldn't cheat on me. I know he wouldn't. But if he was very drunk... That's different. It won't be an excuse but I've seen drunk Scott. I've witnessed how slutty he can get under the influence of alcohol. What if Alex took advantage?

No, I shouldn't think this way. Surely there's an explanation?


October 27. 5:25 AM.

My head hurts, my eyes are puffy from all the crying, and I hate... I don't know, myself? I hate that I can't help but think of the worst. I hate that I am doubting Scott. AND I FUCKING HATE ALEX.


October 27. 12:00 PM.

I don't feel any better. My thoughts aren't any better.

Scott's still sleeping.


October 27. 5:30 PM.

I was sulking on the couch, sipping coffee when Scott woke up.

"Pumpkin," he said.

I turned around and saw that he was standing by the door of his room, his body resting against the frame. He was still in last night's clothes, his hair was a mess, and his eyes were closed. His hangover must be terrible. "Yes?" I asked.

"How did I get home?"

"You don't remember, PUMPKIN?" I tried very hard to control myself but the sarcasm in my voice was unmistakable.

"Uhm..." He started walking towards me.

"YOU DON'T REMEMBER THAT YOUR FUCKING EX-BOYFRIEND TOOK YOU HOME?" Obviously, I failed at my attempts for self-control. All the anger from the previous night was trying to resurface.

Scott winced. My voice must have been obnoxiously loud for his hungover ears. He stopped in his tracks. "But Tyler was supposed to bring me home." He looked very confused.

I took a deep breath and tried to bring down my voice. "Ty did, but that bastard apparently wanted to tag along." I turned around and went back to sipping my coffee.

He was silent for a few moments. "You know." He said it matter-of-factly.

I froze. It felt like my heart stopped and I almost dropped my coffee. All the bad scenarios my crazy mind came up with the previous night flashed instantly. I felt nauseated.

"Did Alex tell you?"

"That asshole said he was sorry." I kept my head straight, not wanting to look at Scott.

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