8: See Through (Part 2)

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"I am yours and you are mine." 


July 25. 12:03 AM.

I am still in my room. I am still in shock. I can feel the bile rising in my throat and I don't know if it's from all the food I've just eaten in the last 24 hours, the nerves, or both. What if I'm just reading things wrong?


July 25. 12:30 AM.

Yep, just vomited. 

I can wait 8 more years, right? Till I'm officially 30?


July 25. 1:30 AM.

I was stupid to think I could sleep and keep Scott waiting. I know he's waiting.


July 25. 1:45 AM.

Oh, what the hell. Fuck it. I'm going to Scott's room.


July 25. 2:05 AM.

I tried. I REALLY TRIED. I got so far as the door of his room. My hands were on the door but I couldn't bring myself to knock. I felt paralyzed. I stood there forever (more like 5 minutes, now that I look at the time).

Why am I so scared? Isn't this what I wanted?


July 25. 2:20 AM.

Oh my god. Scott will think I hate him. Especially after he said "Please don't hate me" on the cup sleeve! But I don't hate him. I hate myself.

Speaking of, the coffee's gone cold. The icing on the cake is starting to melt a little. I should take a photo.


July 25. 3:00 AM.

What if I pretend I haven't seen his message yet? Go out there tomorrow morning and act as if nothing's happened?

That's the stupidest idea I've ever thought of.


July 25. 3:30 AM.



July 25. 3:50 AM.

I cannot imagine what Scott must be feeling right now. But I'm a mess. I can't go in there like... this, can I? What am I going to say? What is he going to say? What if he already changed his mind because I am taking literally forever to talk to him?


July 25. 4:15 AM.

I have been pacing my room like a father waiting outside the delivery room. My legs are begging for rest but my mind is on overdrive.


July 25. 4:30 AM.

SHIT. I just knocked down my bedside lamp. It made quite a sound. If Scott is awake like me, he would've heard it. So he must know I'm awake. He knows I'm awake. HE KNOWS I'M AWAKE AND I HAVEN'T TALKED TO HIM.


July 25. 4:45 AM.

I don't even know why I'm in my room. I know in my heart that I love Scott and that I should be there, talking to him. But I'm here. WRITING. This isn't helping. I should do something.


July 25. 4:55 AM.

I just sent Scott a message. It's the only thing I could think of telling him. Asking him.

Mitch: "How old are you?"

DO NOT JUDGE ME. That was the best I could do.

Why the fuck is he taking forever to respond? Is he asleep? He has no right to sleep after the stunt he pulled! How could he do this to me???

Shit shit shit shit shit. I have a message.


July 25. 5:10 AM.

Scott: "I'm turning 31 in September. Have you forgotten my birthday?"

Breathe in. Breathe out. Do not cry. Do not have a panic attack. Do not die. Go out. Move your ass off the bed. 


July 25. 11:30 AM.

My coffee is here. I am keeping the sleeve because by far, this is the best message I've received.

"I know you love waking up to fresh coffee. And I do, too. But you know what's better? The feeling of waking up next to you. Good morning, Mitchie. I love you."

So... I guess I have a boyfriend?

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