13: Latch (Part 1)

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"Got you shackled in my embrace. I won't let go of you. Never let go. I won't let go."


September 1. 8:30 AM.

It is a brand new month. I'm feeling positive. I'm feeling in love. I'm transforming into this mushy, gooey being - the kind of insanely in love person I bitched about. And I don't care. I feel great and I am not going to apologize for it.

I'm just waiting for Scott to wake up. I already did the coffee run (for a change). Left him this message on the sleeve: "Thank you for being my number one. I love you. xx"

The message kind of felt wrong, though. There wasn't a number two. He is my only one. Oh well, I couldn't erase it. Will try to think of a better message next time.


September 4. 8:10 AM.

We both told our folks last night after dinner, via Skype. We were seated on the dining room table, me on the left and Scott on the right, while the laptop was on the table.

We first told my parents. Dad and Mom seemed happy about it. Mom was a peach, as always. Dad, on the other hand, was uber cute.

"Scott Richard Hoying, take very good care of my son, you hear me? You as much as pull one of his baby thin hairs. I swear to God... I. Will. Hunt. You. Down. I know where you live. I know where your parents live. I know -"

Scott and I were trying so hard not to laugh. "Dad, chill. We know you know a lot. Scott won't hurt me. Right, babe?" I looked at him and smiled sweetly.

"Yes," he replied, returning the smile. He then looked at the laptop screen and addressed my dad. "I promise, Mike... I mean, Mr. Grassi. I love your son and his heart is safe with me." Without warning, Scott picked up my right hand and brought it to his lips.

My cheeks burned and my chest literally hurt. I was dying from all the sweetness but I was so embarrassed at the same time. Scott didn't have to do that.

"Okay, kids, no need for a visual. Mitch, call me when you need anything. Anything, understand?"

"Yes, Dad, I will. Thank you and I love you! Also love you, Mom. Bye!"

"Love you, too, kiddo. Visit us soon!" He waved before the screen went black.

I turned to Scott, who was still holding my hand. "You're crazy. Why did you do that?"

He turned in his seat, moved closer, put my knees in between his, and held my hand tighter. "What? He needed to hear it, Mitchie. Plus everything I said was true." He brought my hand up to his lips, kissing my knuckles one at a time.

"You're tickling me! Stop." I tried to pull my hand away.

I don't know how Scott's mind interpreted what I just said because he pulled on my hand and started trailing kisses up my forearm. At the same time he caught my left hand and placed it behind my back, and he squeezed his knees to effectively hold me in place.

"I'm serious! I mean it!" I was writhing in my seat, though my attempts to break free from Scott were futile. He was too strong for me.

He reached the area opposite my elbow and started licking my skin. I didn't realize how sensitive that spot was. My body was torn between giving Scott my whole arm for him to play with (I was so turned on) and pulling it away from him because I was sadly very ticklish. How could Scott turn everything into some kind of foreplay? "S- stop... Babe..."

He paused. "Say that again." He raised his head only long enough to say those three words before he continued what he was doing.

"Stop..." If you heard me, you probably wouldn't have stopped either. My voice had no sense of conviction.

He did stop, but he put my right hand behind my back as well. Now both my hands were behind me. As if that wasn't enough, Scott crossed his feet behind my legs, further trapping me. I probably should have felt threatened, being held like that. Instead I was so aroused. These days I find myself getting turned on even by the simplest of things that Scott did. He made me so thirsty for him.

He leaned in until the tips of his lips were touching mine. "No, not that. The other one."

"I'm ser-"

He kissed me softly, effectively stopping me mid-word.

"Nope. The other one."

I looked at him, a little confused. "Babe?" It came out almost as a whisper.

He smiled. "So fucking sexy." He kissed me again, more passionately this time. He let go of my hands and they automatically went behind his neck. His stayed on the curve of my back.

"That's sexy? Me calling you babe? But I've called you that before," I said when we broke the kiss, my hands lingering on his nape.

"Never used it since we started dating, and definitely not as seductively as that."

Did I really change the way I called him babe? "Is that going to be like our term of endearment?"

"As long as I'm the only one you're calling 'babe'," he replied.

(Note to self: Don't call anyone else babe. Term now reserved for my boyfriend.) "You promise I'm also going to be your only babe?"

"I promise."

We grinned at each other like two crazy idiots. Happy idiots.

"We should seal the deal!" I proposed.

"I have just the idea." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Oooh, I think I like your idea," I said eagerly. We started to get up but then we heard a ring. There was an incoming video call from Scott's parents. We kind of forgot we asked them to call. They were having connectivity issues when we first tried calling them 30 minutes earlier.

"Right, my parents." We sat down and talked to Scott's folks, sharing with them our news. I don't know if his parents noticed that we were kind of in a rush talking to them (haha). Like my parents they were very supportive. The call ended in less than 10 minutes.

Scott stood up and offered me his hand. "I believe we have a deal to seal."

I put my palm in his before standing up. "Oh, I most certainly believe that we do."

So that's what we did for the next hour. We sealed our deal. Twice. Our neighbors are probably wondering why I was screaming "babe" over and over.

We might have been sealing a deal last night but man do I feel so broken today. The good kind of broken. The only broken version of me that I like.

I hope I can walk straight by lunch. We're telling the rest of PTX today.


A/N: Help me get to know you, loves! Send me a message, an ask, a DM, or tag me in photos!

Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram/Wattpad: evekatalbas :)

PS. If you haven't seen it yet, watch the "Babe, Stop" snap of Mitch (it's on my Tumblr blog, tagged "babe stop"). It is literally my favorite snap and my Scomiche heart was living and dying at the same time after watching it.

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