A: Show You How To Love

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"This girl's got me falling in love and out of my mind."


Feb 14. 10:00 PM.

Trying out this whole writing thing, at least on my phone. Honestly I would rather to talk to Mitch but he's busy playing tonsil hockey with Travis in the living room. Are they back together?! I hope not. Mitch should know better.

Alex and I broke up. Mitch is one of the reasons why. I didn't mean to but I actually told Alex that I couldn't just leave Mitch. When he asked why, I gave him all sorts of lame reasons. He saw through me. He knew I was lying. He asked me to choose. TO CHOOSE BETWEEN HIM AND MITCH.

So now we're broken up. I love him but he asked me to choose. Why would he do that? And what do I tell Mitch?

I hope the whisky bottle holds the answers to my questions.


Feb 15. 2:00 PM.

I am hungover as hell. And heartbroken. At this point, though, my head hurts more than my heart.

Does Mitch remember last night? I don't remember much but I know we played spin the bottle. I did push-ups. Mitch wore my pajamas.

Shit. I kissed Mitch. Does he remember?? What the fuck was I thinking.


Feb 16. 12:20 AM.

I finally told Mitch that Alex and I broke up. I told him I'd share the details next time. But he doesn't have to know everything.

If he remembers the kiss, he didn't bring it up at all. We just watched Spongebob and ate ice cream.

Fuck. I kissed Mitch. I KISSED MITCH. And he doesn't seem to remember. Maybe that's a good thing?


Feb 16. 10:05 AM.

I need to get out. Think.

Of all the things I could remember about the other night, why did I have to remember the kiss? It is driving me crazy. I mean, it was just a kiss. It's not like we haven't kissed before.


Mar 1. 9:00 AM.

I should be heartbroken because I just broke up with my boyfriend. But I'm not.

I shouldn't be thinking about Mitch so much. But I am.

This is bad.


Mar 20. 11:00 PM.

We're on tour. We've got a long day tomorrow but here I am, watching Mitch sleep. He's so adorable when he sleeps.

I have this urge to crawl next to him.

Fuck he just said my name. I checked, he's sleeping. So he's dreaming of me?


Mar 30. 11:35 PM.

I feel the need to be with Mitch all the time. I'm surprised he hasn't pushed me away.

Maybe I just miss Alex. 


Mar 31. 7:00 AM.

Thought about it. I want to be with Mitch because.... I want to be with him.

What is happening to me? I might be going crazy.

All I know is that I love seeing his smile when he wakes up and finds that I already have bought coffee for him. And I love the fact that I get to see his face first thing in the morning because we're on tour and we share a room.


Apr 2. 9:00 PM.

We're home.

The thought of not sleeping close to Mitch depresses me.


Apr 3. 10:00 PM.

I missed waking up to Mitch's sleeping face. I thought about going to his room to look at him but if he woke up and saw me, that would've been creepy.


Apr 11. 11:10 PM.

I'm stupid for not having thought of this before.

I'm falling for Mitch. That must be it. Because how else could I explain everything else I'm feeling?


Apr 12. 10:40 PM.

I can't be falling for Mitch. Not again.


Apr 14. 1:00 AM.

Fuck. I think I'm really falling for my best friend. How cliche is that??? But I can't do anything about it. At least not yet. I need to make sure.


Apr 23. 11:25 PM.

I'm selfish. I'm experimenting and it's not right but I need to know how I really feel about Mitch. So far I've managed to continue with the coffee runs. It's been HARD! But like I said, the smile on his face is priceless.

There were nights I could've been out partying with friends but I chose to say home with him. I was waiting for the feeling of boredom to come. Or irritation. Or anything negative, really, about being with Mitch all the time. So far it hasn't come. I have enjoyed every second I spent with him.

This means I am definitely falling in love with him.

I don't know what to do.


Apr 30. 9:55 PM.

It's either Mitch is really dense or he has noticed everything I've been doing but he refuses to acknowledge it.

If it's the former, then I should do more. But I know Mitch. He's perceptive. He's a thinker.

But what if it's the latter? What if he already knows I have feelings for him but he doesn't feel the same way so he's choosing to ignore the things I'm doing?


May 12. 2:00 PM.

Mitch is out. I am alone in the apartment.

I am alone in his room. I don't even have a good explanation for why I am here.

I can see his diary on the bedside table and I am very much tempted to read it. There's a pen in between the pages. He must've been writing recently.

I feel like his diary is calling out to me. 

What if the answers I need are there?


A/N: Hi! This is not the final chapter (obviously). I thought of doing a chapter or two written in Scott's POV after I posted the final chapter, but it seemed like posting this first was better. 

In other news, I started a Facebook group dedicated to Deanne Adams (I'm sure 99.9% of you know her) and it's called "Slayves for Deanne Adams" :) It's relatively new and there are only a couple of us there. The original idea was for it to be an online book club of sorts where fangirls like myself could discuss the chapters more and see what others thought. So far that's what has been happening, and the discussions are about her latest book "Midge the Neko". Oh, and Deanne is part of the group, too, and she has been kind enough to get our thoughts and respond to our speculations and questions and whatnot. Aside from the discussions, though, we've been fangirling a lot (like when Deanne uses one of the member's names in the book) and there are also a couple of PTX/Scomiche-related posts. I'll put the link of the group in the comments for those of you who want to join. :)

Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram/Kik/Snapchat/Tablo/Wattpad: evekatalbas

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