6: La La La (Part 2)

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"If my heart can't stop it, I find a way to block it. I go la la."


March 7. 10:00 PM.

It's been 3 weeks since Valentines. I haven't done any more stupid things. I flirt a lot on Twitter, yes, but nothing serious. I may be getting the hang of this being single shebang. Scott's been a big help. He kept his promise and has been reminding me from time to time that I deserve better. He usually leaves a note on my coffee cup sleeve when he does the morning coffee run for the both of us. I love waking up to that. Sometimes he sends me random texts. On rare occasions he'd just tell me straight to my face. Out of the blue. Then he'd smile and drop the subject. I think it's cute and sweet.

Speaking of Scott, I think he's doing pretty well since the breakup. For about one week we spent most nights eating ice cream and chocolates. I had been breaking out but I couldn't let him eat alone, now, can I? He's back to eating real food now. I expected it, considering his huge appetite. Scott's a hungry little child, so it was only a matter of time. He still hasn't told me the reason why he said no to Alex, though. I haven't talked to Alex, either. We weren't really friends even when he and Scott were together. I'm really curious. It's not like Scott to keep something like that from me. But I'm not gonna push. The reason doesn't really matter.


April 2. 11:00 PM.

Work has kept both me and Scott busy. We went away for tour for two weeks and we just got back.

I love going on tours. It's exhausting but I love discovering new places, eating all kinds of food, and meeting new people, especially the fans. They're so sweet. A couple of them showed me their fan arts and even gave me gifts. It's still overwhelming when we get recognized on the streets. I will never get used to that.

You know this is probably nothing, but Scott was different during our last tour. Not the musician Scott because he's been great at shows, as always. I'm referring to best friend Scott. He's been a little... clingy, I guess? He's been spending a lot of time with me. Like more than usual. How do I explain it? Hmm... For example, if I didn't feel like spending our day off outside, he'd stay in the hotel with me. And I know Scott. He's always the first to say yes when anybody suggests that we go out. I'd encourage him to go without me, but he refuses to. Then when we're in our room, we basically spend our time just eating (whoever invented room service, thank you) and watching what's on TV. He'd sometimes complain that he was bored, but he never left.

One more thing. He's been getting up extra early and he does the coffee run for the both of us. Therefore, I always get a message on my coffee sleeve. And the messages have changed. It used to be "You deserve better :)" repeatedly, but he's mixed it up. A couple of what he's written are "Good morning, boy princess", "DRINK ME!!!", and "Mitchie Mitchie Mitchie" among others.

But my all time favorite was "Wrap your tiny hands around me, I'm starting to get cold". I thought it was witty. That morning he was back on his bed, sleeping, by the time I woke up and read his cup sleeve message. (I think it's stupid that he gets up early to buy us coffee then goes back to sleep. Thoughtful, yes, but stupid.) I didn't want to start drinking my coffee and eating my breakfast without him so I crawled up in his bed. He was facing away from me so I approached him from behind and whispered in his ear.

"Wake up, Serena. Wakey wakey!"

He stirred but didn't wake up. At least I think not. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"C'mon, get out of bed. I don't want to eat alone. My coffee's actually starting to get cold."

Still no response. I moved a little closer. "If you don't get up, I will tickle you." Okay, so I know he's not as ticklish compared to me but that sometimes worked on him.

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