22: On My Way Home (Part 3)

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"In the middle of the night, I've been running, running, running and I'm on my way home."


October 28. 4:00 AM.

I'm home. My thoughts were eating at me and they were only getting worse with each passing minute in that motel. I also knew that I won't get answers there. 

Scott's car wasn't in the driveway when I arrived. Maybe it's still in the club.

Speaking of Scott, I passed by his room earlier. I was tempted to enter to tell him that I was back, but it was late and he was probably already sleeping. Besides, I didn't know what to say yet. And if he's just going to confirm my worst fears... then I'd rather not hear it at this ungodly hour.

I am physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted.


October 28. 11:00 AM.

I woke up a couple of minutes ago. I looked around the apartment and there was no sign of Scott.

Maybe I should check my messages.


October 28. 12:00 PM.


Scott's messages:

"Mitch, I'M SORRY. Please. Just let me explain. I love you."

"Come back, please. Let's talk."

"Where are you? I'm starting to get worried. Babe, come home, please."

"It was just a kiss, I swear. I don't know what Alex told you but nothing else happened."

"If you don't want to go home, it's fine. If you don't want to talk, I understand. But I need to know you're okay."

"Send me a blank message if you're reading any of this."

"Babe, I'm really, really worried."

"Are you at KT's? I'm coming over."

That was the last of his text messages. I called Kitty and she said that Scott did drop by her place last night. She also said that he looked distraught and was a crying mess. She told me that Scott told him about the kiss (OH MY GOD IT WAS JUST. A. KISS.) and our fight and about how I drove away.

She told me that by the time I sent her a message telling her I was fine, Scott had left her apartment. He told her that he was going to look for me.

I'm still so pissed that he made out with Alex but I FEEL SO RELIEVED. He didn't cheat on me like cheat on me. And I feel like shit for thinking the worst of him. I should've just let him explain and we could've been both spared a full day of emotional stress.


October 28. 12:30 PM.

I've been trying to contact Scott for the last 20 minutes and I can't get a hold of him. His phone's dead.

Where is he?


October 28. 1:15 PM.

I've called Avi, Kev, Esther, Jonathan. They all said they haven't seen Scott, though Scott tried calling them last night, asking if I was with any of them.

I've also tried Tyler and those who were at the party last night. They said that the last they saw him was when he was leaving the club.

Where could he be?


October 28. 1:45 PM.

I knew it was a long shot but there's nothing on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social networking site for that matter. 

I am officially starting to get worried.


October 28. 3:00 PM.

I feel like I'm going crazy, waiting for him.

I don't know if I should leave the house and look for him. What if he comes back and I'm not home? I could leave a note...


October 28. 3:45 PM.

I didn't leave. I've tried calling everyone again and nothing.


October 28. 4:30 PM.

What should I do? I'm scared. It's been what, 20 hours since anyone last saw him?


October 28. 5:15 PM.



October 28. 6:00 PM.

Kitty and Esther are here. I hate that Kitty had to say what I didn't want to say out loud earlier.


Hearing someone else say it is one thing, writing it down with my own hands is another.

Shit. It can't be.

Kitty said she last saw him around 8 PM. So that leaves us 2 more hours of waiting before we can report him missing.


October 28. 6:30 PM.

Please let this be some kind of sick joke Scott's playing.

He can't be... I don't want to write it down again. It might come true.


October 28. 7:30 PM.

Kev, Avi and Jonathan are now looking for Scott. I wanted to join them but Kitty said I should stay.

I feel iike I can't breathe.

I tried calling Scott's phone again. Still dead.


October 28. 8:00 PM.

It's been 24 hours. 

My heart is pounding so hard and it's breaking at the same time. I feel sick to my stomach and I think I'm going to vomit even if I haven't eaten anything. I want to cry but the tears won't come. 

What am I going to do?


October 28. 8:25 PM.

Esther just left. She's heading to the station. She's filing a report. 

Scott can't be g... missing. He just can't.


A/N: If you've seen Mitch's Twitter then you most likely know Claudia (thewaitisogre). She wrote a fan fiction entitled "Little Mitch Grassi Things" and she said that "it's loosely based on Mitch Grassi's life" and that "yes, he knows about it". You might want to check it out. It's a fun read! She's ulay2mymarina here on Wattpad. :)

Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram/Kik/Snapchat/Tablo/Wattpad: evekatalbas.

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