Cahpter 12: Jillian.. I want you

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Mason teringat satu masa tu tiba2 ja keluar gosip yang dia dan Angela pernah bercinta, memang betul tapi the scandal after that.

Page gosip mula tulis yang Jillian punca dorang break up and dia jadi perempuan ketiga selama 6bulan sampai lah Mason dan Jillian kena tunang. He was not going to say Jillian didn't contribute anything from the breakup, tapi Mason breakup dengan Angela pun masa tu sebab dia tida mau dua2 perempuan sakit hati. He cannot avoid the marriage and he cannot keep Angela, sebab tu dia tolong Angela jadi actress. Itu saja yang dia mampu buat untuk tebus kesalahan dia.

Mason tida percaya semua gosip yang timbul antara dorang tu tiada kena mengena dengan Angela dan manager dia. Actually, Mason pun salah juga. Dia tau semua tu tapi dia kasih biar ja sampai lah timbul gosip lain. Like,

'B-list actress Angela mich is pregnant with ceo William's child', 'Ceo William spotted coming out from Angela mich house', 'Ceo William taking Angela mich to a vacation', etc.

Mason cuma suruh media department to suppress the scandals and did nothing to clarify it. Orang pun mula percaya semua gosip yang timbul. Fan base Angela pun makin besar, supporters dia pun mula buat cerita pasal Mason dan Angela. And Jillian was drag into it too, in the bad way. She become the mistress and Angela become the victim.

Terfikir sampai situ, Mason tiba2 rasa hati dia sakit betul. One time he come home late at night, pintu bilik dorang tida tertutup rapat. Walaupun tu sebenarnya bilik dorang dua, Mason tida tidur pun disana sebenarnya. Dia sanggup tidur di bilik tetamu jauh dari master bedroom.

Masa tu Mason tiba2 hairan bilik tu nampak gelap. Dia nampak Jillian duduk di sofa membelakang arah pintu sambil pegang handphone dan peluk kaki dia. The distance between them is not really that far and he can see the title of the article she read. It was the gossip about him coming out from Angela's apartment. Lampu tu handphone tersulu muka si Jillian masa tu, he can see the tear stain on her face. She look just fall asleep not long ago.

What did he think that time? Mason rasa annoyed dengan perangai si Jillian. Mason rasa si Jillian terlampau obsess dan kuat cemburu. He didn't even wake her up that time and let her sleep on the bed. Mason terus keluar dan tidur di private villa dia, like he did all the time.

'Im sorry..' Mason cakap dalam hati, dia genggam kuat tangan dia cuba tahan tu sakit hati yang dia rasa.

He suddenly realize the woman who waited for him everyday in their house has change. Cara si Jillian tengok dia tadi tida sama sudah dengan apa yang selalu dia nampak everytime he come home or everytime she send him a picture of her telling him to miss her and don't forget to eat or rest.

'Jillian... Jillian... Jillian...' Mason chanted in his heart.. 'I... I want you..'

"Mason, i'm sorry...." Angela tiba2 pegang tangan si Mason. Feeling her touch Mason tiba2 rasa jijik, dia cepat2 tarik tangan dia dan undur sikit dari si Angela.

"Enough. Let's go, i'll send you home." Mason pusing tida tengok si Angela sudah. If he turn his back now he will see the true colour of the girl.

Her face turn red from anger. It's really ugly to look at. That's how a villain women looks. Why?! Apa dorang cakap tadi?! Kenapa tiba2 si Mason berubah. He clearly still has feeling for me?! What had gone wrong?! She clearly delusional.

Even si Mason tiada perasaan dengan si Jillian, he doesn't have feeling for Angela either. He end it after married to Jillian, even if he doesn't love her at least he will not love anyone else. Mason still remember the promise Grandpa Jim have him promised, walaupun dia tida janji but he keep it at heart. He cannot love Jillian back at that time but he made a clear choice to be fair to her in his heart. He will not love anyone else.

Merah muka Angela tahan marah. That slut! She must have said something to Mason! In reality, Angela dengan dunia dia sendiri saja. Jillian tiada cakap apa2 pun dengan Mason, in fact Jillian sendiri yang tida mau ada hubungan dengan si Mason. But a man always be a man... They cannot feel to be challenged by a woman.

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