Chapter 21: Taking care of her

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David called Mason to inform him about scandals. Obviously it hasn't cooled down yet, matter of fact it was getting intense.

Sebab Mason fokus jaga si Jillian dan sibuk buat kerja dia for the next few days, Mason tiada masa mau tengok apa2 pasal tu news.

"You know what to do." Mason cakap, tiba2 dia terfikir sesuatu and added "don't let other people know." He hung up. Mason tengok si Jillian yang masih tidur and sigh. Everything is my fault, forgive me. Mason pegang tangan si Jillian and kiss it gently, afraid to disturb the sleeping girl. She must be exhausted, Mason dapat tau selama 3bulan lebih ni Jillian kadang2 tidur dan makan. Dia bagi masa dia sepenuhnya untuk kasih siap tu baju2 dia.

Lepas malam tu dorang jumpa dan perasaan curiga dia dengan si Angela, Mason elak jumpa si Angela. Whenever she requested to meet him, he will get his personal assistant David to take her away. Her cousin, Misa as well as the other assistant work with Mason, dia tau juga apa yang dorang buat. Especially Misa, dia yang selalu bagi Angela peluang dapat jumpa Mason.

Mason tiba2 rasa penat. He really didn't expect Angela to changed so much but what can he do? His relationship with her in the past walau macam mana pun tida dapat pergi jauh, Mason tau juga Angela tida sesuai posisi Mrs. William. But who told him to like a girl like her? Who told him to meet her first? Mason selalu fikir yang si Angela tau juga suatu hari nanti dorang akan breakup, sebab Mason tengok perangai si Angela yang lembut dan memahami dia tida sangkah sampai macam ni dia berubah sebab tida dapat terima kenyataan.

Did i really know her in the first place? Or that was her true self?

Mason tertidur di siring katil sambil pegang tangan si Jillian. Jillian tida terbangun sampai pagi2. Jillian tengok tu siling putih dan rasa bingung, this is clearly not my room. Sebab dia tidur selama 3 hari badan dia rasa kaku, tekak dia pun kering. Mata dia masih silau gara2 lama tida terbuka.

Mason rasa tangan si Jillian bergerak terus cepat2 dia bangun. Jillian tarik tangan dia dan letak di mata dia bikin halang tu cahaya.

"Uh...." Jillian batuk, tekak dia rasa kering dan pedih. Her body feeling weak.

"Nanny sue.. Water.." Jillian bisik, dia rasa juga ada orang di sebelah dia. Of course the first person she think was Nanny sue.

Mason terdiam kejap, dia capai tu gelas dan tuang air. Mason pegang belakang kepala si Jillian, tida cakap apa2 terus dia kasih dekat tu gelas di mulut.

"Thank you.." Jillian cakap, lepas minum air hilang sikit rasa gatal tekak dia. And then she slowly open her eyes. The blinding light abusing her eye, she blinked her eyes couple of times.

"Where am i-" She was stunned, why is this man here? Jillian kelip mata dia banyak kali then pusing kepala dia tengok sekeliling.

"Hospital?" Jillian tolak badan dia kasih menyandar di bantal. Mason cepat2 pegang bahu dia dan atur tu bantal tempat si Jillian menyandar.

"Thanks.." Even dia terkejut nampak si Mason sini dia tida fikir apa2 lepas tu. Her calm manner was like a needle piercing his chest. Cara dia layan si Mason macam cara dia layan orang lain, there's no attachment, no feelings, there's nothing in her eyes. Mason almost forgot the way she look at him 5months ago, his chest feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

Jillian tida perasan perangai si Mason berubah. Dalam fikiran si Jillian, grandpa Leo yang suruh si Mason pergi sini. Whether he really want to be here or not has nothing to do with her. "Where's my nanny?" She ask. Not feeling anything the way he look at her.

Mason sigh. "Home. do you want to eat anything?" Mason cakap pelan, his gentle tone startled her a bit. Jillian frowned and suddenly lifted her head.

"sorry for shocking you..." Mason eyes turn gentler by her words, walaupun dia tida faham apa maksud si Jillian but looking at the situation right now maybe she feel guilty for her condition. He was about to say something when Jillian continued her words. " i know you were angry i bring up the divorce issue first, then you can send the divorce paper to me later." Jillian said in a serious manner. Mason terkejut dengar apa yang Jillian cakap, his face was darker than the cooking pot. But when he look at the flush little face, Mason tiba2 tida dapat marah. He sigh deeply and rub between his eyebrows.

"Forget it, we are not divorcing." Mason cakap tenang, walaupun dia nampak tenang tapi sebenarnya hati dia berdegup2 tunggu jawapan si Jillian.

Jillian furrows her eyebrows, obviously dissatisfied with his words. Mason tambah rasa tida selesa di hati dia. Did she really give up her feeling for me? Since he was young he never feel like a loser, yes he was feeling that way remembering the way Jillian and Troy together. The way Troy look and touch Jillian. Dia fikir Jillian dan Troy akan sama2 kalau dorang pisah, and he didn't want that to happen.

"You... Don't ever think about it again!" Mason tiba2 marah, dia ambil coat dan beg kerja dia then preparing to leave. The girl leaning on the bed was at lost for his behaviour. Andrea masuk terdengar suara si Mason, displeasure written all over her face. Walaupun Andrea sebenarnya takut dengan suami boss dia but because she is her boss, hearing the man angry voice make Andrea feel angry on her boss behalf.

"Take care of her. Bring her food." Mason cakap sebelum keluar. Andrea terus rasa tambah marah, cara dia cakap tu macam dia suruh jaga pet dia saja. Hmmpp! The boss doesn't want you anymore! Andrea jeling tu belakang si Mason, feeling angry for her boss.

"Andrea.." Suara Jillian terdengar dari bilik. Andrea cepat2 masuk.

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