Chapter 16: His fault

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Jillian berenti jalan. Badan dia tiba2 keras, dengar tu suara dan nickname. Jillian rasa fikiran dia kena tarik pigi masa lalu. Tiba2 dia rasa hati dia sakit sangat.

Actually, masa pertama kali Jillian nampak Aunty Rose dia tau sudah siapa dorang. Tapi dia tida sanggup mau ingat balik pasal dorang especially him, Troy.

Sekejap ja fikiran dia melayang. Jillian pusing tengok si Troy, dia tunggu ja Troy bercakap.

Even with his low EQ, he can see that hurt flashing across her face. Dia tau juga kenapa, that's why he didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry..." Troy cakap, his heart beating so fast waiting for her reply.

"Mr. Hastrings, it's late." Jillian cakap, pura2 tida dengar apa yang si Troy cakap tadi. They went back inside.

Looking at her figure somehow he feel her back look so lonely. And he knew it was entirely his fault, after all it was him who left her. It was him who stopped replying to her emails and calls. It was him who make her forget him. He went away thinking he did all of this for her and their future together. Getting the inheritance and present it for her dowry, he was so confident of it. Until tonight.. 'Forgive me..'

He didn't say anything and so was she. Bila dorang masuk balik dalam hall cuma Mark dan Andrea saja yang ada sana, Madam Hastrings sudah duluan balik dengan driver dia. They can sense the intensity in the air the moment Jillian and Troy came in. 

Mark dan Andrea pura2 tida nampak muka dorang.

"uh.. Boss, do we go now?" In the end Andrea yang tida tahan sudah dengan suasana dalam tu hall. The gloominess in Jillian eyes faded slightly. Dia angguk ja.

"Let me drive you home." Troy tiba2 cakap. Jillian berenti jalan. Mark and Troy didn't see Jillian face, but Andrea did. She was shocked. Why did it seems like the Boss is... Hurt? No.. No.. That can't be. Andrea geleng kepala dia kasih lari tu expression si Jillian dalam fikiran dia.

"Thank you, but i'm fine." Jillian pusing tengok si Troy. No one can see the abnormalities on her face. After she start to work again Andrea dan Mark rasa dorang makin susah mau faham si Jillian, even if its Mark who was with her the longest and as her bestfriend. She seems colder this time, for Mark who work as catwalk director and meet alot of people along the process he manage to catch the resentment in Jillian eyes. Towards who? Mark tida tau. 'Maybe dia masih terfikir pasal si Mason', Mark cakap dalam hati.

"Oh... Goodnight.." Troy manage to reply. He smile but anyone can see that it was a force smile.

Jillian eyes linger for a moment on his face before moving her gaze away like it was normal for her. Jillian pusing tengok si Mark and manage to smile a little before turning around to leave.

After Jillian's figure nowhere to be seen baru Mark tersedar dari lamunan dia. Why does it feel like they knew each other before? Mark tengok muka si Troy. He can not conclude anything looking at his expressionless face.

"Uh.. Well, i..." Belum sempat si Mark cakap apa2 sudah si Troy jalan keluar dengan langkah dia yang besar. He look dejected.

"wtf is wrong with them! So scary.." Mark cakap sambil gosok lengan dia, he got goosebumps the entire time.

Meanwhile in the car.

As a personal assistant it was Andrea job to drive her Boss personally but she really wish to go home right now. My Queen, please don't do that face. I'm scared.

Andrea curi2 tengok muka si Jillian di cermin. Something is not right with my Boss tonight. Andrea thought to herself.

Jillian tengok scenery di luar jendela. This suppose to be the time for someone to admiring the colourful and lively scenes on the street but Jillian tida dapat rasa apa2 pun. Looking at the colourful street she cannot help but to remember when she just went to high school and Troy at his college year.

To congratulate her for entering high school he prepare a huge firework with the words written with "Congratulations wifey..". Even dorang tida dapat jumpa he manage to record it and sent it to her.

Jillian pegang dada dia. It's hurt. She try to hold the tears from rolling but a tiny tear manage to roll on her face.

'Wifey.....' He like to call me that.

Andrea yang curi2 tengok si Jillian di depan cermin tiba2 rasa kepala dia ringan. 'w-what?! My Boss just cry!' Andrea cepat2 tengok depan pura2 tida perasan. She know her Boss so much, she will never want anyone to see this side of her. 'relax.. relax... relax...' Andrea cakap dalam hati.

Ahh... What am i doing, it was all in the past now. I'm a married woman and a divorcee in the future. Jillian cakap dalam hati. She smiled bitterly.

Jillian scroll contact dia and manage to find the number she always call in the past, but after a fight with Mason they didn't call each other anymore. 4 month after kahwin dengan si Mason, masa tu Jillian gaduh dengan si Mason for the first time because his assistant told her Mason went lunch with her ex girlfriend. She call that person and cry so much, maybe that person feel annoyed. That person yell and told Jillian to leave him because she clearly knew Mason didn't love her but Jillian masih bertahan.

Jillian feel wronged and fight with the person. Eventually both of them hang up feeling angry with each other.

Limpas 5 bulan sudah dorang tida berhubung. Jillian tida tau mau call ka tida tu orang. She feel guilty for all the things she said at that time. Jillian kasih keras hati dia dan dial tu number. Before the call turn off it self the receiver accepted the call. Jillian tida tau mau cakap apa, dia diam ja.

"Hello.." A slightly hoarse voice sounded. Suara baru bangun tidur. Terdengar tu suara Jillian rasa mau nangis.


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