Chapter 25: Karma

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Because of the conference there's a huge sift in the industry. Firstly, sebab Mason mention pasal relationship Hastring dan Versales family company Versales trending and Country M's top company change dramatically. Company Jillian pun dalam entertainment industry juga tapi actress dan actor dorang sikit saja yang dalam golongan A-list actor/tress, lepas malam tu semua B-list artist dalam company dorang upgrade pigi A and the already A list artist standing tall within the senior artist in the industry. Berduyun2 program dan interview lineup mau invite artist dorang.

As for Angela... Walaupun fans dan manager dia berabis sudah kasih selamat keadaan dan cuba mau tutup tu respons si Angela dulu masa kena tanya hubungan dorang tapi sebab scandal dorang selalu trending di internet apa pun dorang buat masih tida dapat tutup tu isi conference. Of course Mason had a hand in it as well, it was the very reason he held the conference after all. For everyone to know the truth, and his wife as well.

"What a shameless woman! She's clearly the third party in someone else marriage but still have the gut to say such thing!" A comment on the past interview Angela did.

"@Xczz upstair IKR! Look at how 'bashful' her face when the host ask her about the relationship between Ceo william and her!"

"She's disgusting!"

"No one seems to realize all of her character in her drama is mostly innocent and pure... Guysssss.... I want to throw up."

"Comment upstair you are right! I just did some research and all of her character is mostly like that."

"@wangSizi i thought she's kinda nice at first... Now.... *puke.."

"@wangSizi and her interviews mostly with A-list lineup.. I heard she didn't accept anything below that."

*Crash* Angela buang tu handphone dia di dinding. Sejak habis tu conference si Mason dia berabis sudah contact semua fan page dia untuk buat gosip baru supaya dorang tida nampak tu conference. But no matter how much efforts she put they can't suppress the conference. Of course she didn't know that the man she love is the main reason the article didn't drowned.

"Lisa! Do something!! Make them forget the article!" Angela teriak macam perempuan histeria. Terbaca komen2 tu orang dia rasa macam mau bunuh saja dorang semua.

"I'm doing it now!" Lisa, manager si Angela pun stress sudah dengan keadaan dorang tambah lagi si angela pun tida berenti teriak.

"Right! Call my cousin she can help us!" Dia snatch tu handphone si lisa baru call number si misa. "Cousin! Help me! I-" Belum sempat dia habis cakap kuat suara si misa bercakap "Shut up! It's all bcos of you! You stupid bitch! I'm fired! I'm no longer working with William corp! It's all bcos of you!!" Misa teriak2 bercakap. Angela pucat dengar apa yang si misa cakap.. No.. No! Not true! He still care about me! Yes! Yes i need to call him! "Bitch! You better do something about-" Misa masih bercakap time si angela end call. Bergegar2 tangan dia search number si mason, dia call beberapa kali tapi tida masuk. Dia call si david baru tersambung tu line.

"David! I want to speak with him! Get the-" Angela terdiam dengar tu conversation sebelah dorang si David. Pucat muka dia, seluruh badan dia rasa sejuk.

On the other side. Lepas saja siap tu conference mason terus pulang Villa grandpa leo. Dorang duduk bertiga di meja makan, Grandpa leo di tengah mason dan si Jillian masing2 di sebelah grandpa leo. Si david berdiri di belakang si Mason.

"Ehemm.. Well done." Grandpa leo cakap, dua2 cucu dia pun tida bercakap dari dorang duduk terpaksa grandpa leo yang bercakap duluan. "En." Mason angguk. Sesekali dia tengok perempuan di depan dia, dari tadi si Jillian tunduk ja sambil makan. Warna kulit dia masih pucat sikit walaupun dia tidur 1 hari. Dari dia sampai dirumah si Jillian langsung tida tengok, walaupun tadi lepas sampai rumah si mason terus masuk di bilik dorang dan mandi. Si Jillian duduk2 saja di balcony sambil cek dokumen dia. Langsung tiada terkejut atau malu time si mason keluar pakai pyjama.

"Hmp! You should be thankful it's not too late yet!" Grandpa leo tiba2 cakap. Jillian pause chopsticks dia. Jillian tengok grandpa leo mau bercakap tapi cepat2 si mason putung ayat dia. "I know grandpa! Don't worry i know my mistakes. I will take care of her." Mason cakap tegas. Grandpa leo tengok si Jillian tunggu apa yang dia mau cakap tapi terdengar si mason cakap macam tu baru tenang hati dia. Grandpa leo masih belum tau pasal isu cerai yang si Jillian forward tapi dia boleh rasa juga situasi si Jillian dan Mason lebih kurang mau dekat situ sudah.

Jillian tengok si mason. Mata dorang bertembung, si Jillian tida elak mata dia, her eyes obviously questioning his words just now. Grandpa leo perasaan situasi dorang.

"Glad you realize. Lili, stay here for a week okay? Accompany this old man. You can recuperate here, plus your husband will watch over you as well. Your complexion is still pale, let your assistant and this brat handle your company until you recover." Grandpa leo said softly, his pleading expression stopped her from rejecting him. Jillian tida selesa time Grandpa leo cakap 'husband' tapi dia diam ja angguk.

Angela practically heard the whole conversation. David sengaja angkat supaya si angela dengar. Fortunately the boss indirectly 'confessed' his feeling towards the young madam, lest the woman to realize her position. David tengok tu handphone dia yang masih on call dari tadi, dia senyum kecil. Serve you right!

Maybe because she suffered too much shock, her organ failed for a moment causing her to vomit blood then fainted on the spot. Lisa tida tau apa yang si angela dengar sampai dia muntah darah lepas tu pengsan, dia cepat2 end call lepas tu call ambulance. Sebab sekarang paparazzi mencari peluang mau tangkap aktiviti si angela dorang bercamping di bawah apartment dia. Time ambulance datang berkerumun tu paparazzi menangkap gambar manatau dapat gosip pasal artist lain but lucky for them the person hospitalized is the one they seek for a juicy issue. Cepat2 dorang tangkap gambar, walaupun sudah tu bodyguard stop dorang masih juga dorang dapat tangkap gambar si angela. Paling lucky tu paparazzi yang naik di pokok cari angle yang bagus, dia dapat tangkap badan si angela satu badan dengan muka dia yang pucat dan darah di mulut dan baju dia.

Manager si angela fikir kalau orang baca tu article mungkin masih ada peluang mau raih simpati but she got the whole pictures wrong. Walaupun fans si angela sudah komen banyak2 raih simpati, netizen yang sudah benci 100% dengan si angela terlalu ramai. Sampai trending '#' #retributioncomefastaslightning as a caption bila dorang mau shared tu post. Walaupun dorang tida tau apa sebab si angela masuk hospital tapi bagi dorang ni gimik si angela saja mau raih simpati.

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