Chapter 9: The great god's jealousy

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"You know, i have seen so many people but i never..." met someone so shameless like you. I almost spat my thought.

"Hm?" He raise one eyebrow.

Sa jeling ja tengok dia. Sometimes i have the feeling like the further i converse with him the better the chance for our entangled. And that the last thing i want.

Lepas habis tu music terus kami join dorang Mark, surprisingly Mason and the woman is also there.

"sweetie, its good to finally meet you. I hope we can meet more often." Madam Hastring pull my hand and pat it gently.

"Mom she can join us for dinner sometime. If you have the time lady?" Troy tengok sa, meeting with these people i feel familiar and welcome. Maybe sebab sa tida pernah jumpa parents sa, especially my dad.

"Thank you fr the invitation Mr. Hastring, Madam..."

"Don't be so distant, call me Aunty rose.." Aunty Rose cakap.

"I thought we have a deal fr u to call me Troy?" He lifted his eyebrow, sa terfikir kalau lelaki macam dia ni jadi aktor atau model mesti famous well sekarang pun memang famous sudah tapi as a business man. Untung perempuan yang dapat dia. Even she have a admiration towards a beauty like him Jillian tida terfikir pun the 'what if' between them.

"ah.. Right we did.." Sa wink dekat dia, from everyone point of view this is me being friendly and playful but from the view of the husband of mine this is me being flirty.

"Can we talk?" Being ignore for the entire time i guess he really have his patience challenge. Sa tengok ja dia, amused. Looking at him now i don't feel joy or love anymore, anyone can see that. I purposely gave out myself supaya orang tau that i'm not crazy about him anymore. He definitely can see that, that's why he feel confused and angry at the same time.

Sa cakap kejap dengan Mark baru pusing tengok si Mason indicating for him to follow me. I didn't see the man who has his eyes the entire time on me grip his cup so hard, the veins on his neck bulge he has to loosen the tie.

"Troy, she's married." Madam Hastring cakap pelan. He is her son obviously she knew apa anak dia fikir, she feel confused at the same time. Selama ni tida pernah pun Troy tunjuk yang dia suka dengan perempuan and that worried her husband and her greatly. The branch family has been pushing them to no end because of this problem, semua orang cakap Troy likes men and he should be replace as the next Master of the Hastrings. Now that he show sign that he likes woman, but it was at the wrong person.. Alright probably wrong time.

"I know, but... That, will definitely change." Madam Hastrings terkejut dengan apa yang anak dia cakap. This... She sigh. Anyway from the look of it, Jillian and her husband definitely has a problem.

Meanwhile in the backstage.

"Speak." Jillian duduk di kerusi mekap untuk model. Dia silang kaki sambil kacau tu mekap.

"I want you to go home with me tonight. We will be going over to Grandpa on Wednesday." Mason tahan hati dia marah. He didn't know why but seeing this woman ignoring him anger him greatly.

"No need. I will go by myself. If you have nothing else to say then let's go back. Don't let the guest waiting." Jillian berdiri pergi keluar. Mason tiba2 pegang tangan dia ketat and push her againts the door.

"The guest or the young master of the Hastrings?" He finally can't control it. Yes it was jealousy he feel and Jillian can feel it. She was shocked but so what if he's jealous it was already too late. She didn't feel glad or happy, it was just amazement and shocked.

"So what if it is and what if its not?" Jillian lawan mata dengan si Mason. He was caught off guard by her boldness. He never saw this side of her. He look at the soft and red lips of Jillian. Will she mad if i kiss her? So what? This is my wife. MINE.

"What do you think ure doing?" Jillian tolak badan si Mason. He definitely trying to kiss her, and she didn't want her first kiss in this life to be taken by this man.

"I. AM. YOUR. HUSBAND!" Dia cakap satu persatu.

"you want me right? I know you do. I know you trying to make me notice you. You will definitely get it cause u are mine." Fuck! How is this man so full of his self.

"Mason! Stop it." Sa struggle cuba tolak dia. He touch my waist and trying to kiss me. I feel disgusted.

"Disgusting" Sa tercakap apa yang sa fikir. The hand on my waist stiffened and then it gripped my waist so hard that i know it will definitely left some bruises.


Author notes: sa pause dulu update untuk beberapa hari. Sa mau edit yang chapter seterusnya. Lambat sikit update ah siou ❤ *please pardon me Your Majestys*

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