Chapter 8: The Great God

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"I never ask you to leave." For the first time since our marriage, we look and sound like a married couple.

"I volunteer." I say. The fire inside me is boiling like a volcano. Keep calm Jillian!

"That's not the problem. We're married and you should behave like one!" We are battling eye to eye. I grip my glass so hard its almost broke.

"Oh. So Ceo William, don't you think you should behave yourself first?" I raise my eyebrow and look at his 'date' direction. He stiffened.

"Bringing another woman to your own wife event, can't you please save me some face?" I know i anger him, but i can't stop myself from being angry. I hate this man! How dare! He tried to explain but i cut him off.

"Look Mason, i don't care about your business and your woman. I will come back after i settle everything in my company." No Jillian! Stop it don't cry! I was shaking, i try to hide my face by drinking the wine but my shaking hands betray me.

"You done enough Mason. I warn you man, if she shed tears tonight i will fucking kill you!" Mark say between his breath. I took a deep breath and held his hands.

"I'm okay." I assure him, but i know he didn't buy it. He knows me too well.

"How can you be.." He say gently. I shake my head and flash a grin.

"Go back to your partner. " I whisper. I try my very best to hide the awkwardness from hugging him.

"Ms. Jillian." An elderly woman around her 40 save the situation from getting worse.

I smiled but i didn't know how to address her. I never met her before.

"Madam Hastring! Nice to meet you. I'm sorry this friend of mine is un-social woman. Pardon her for not recognizing you." The Hastring! What the fudge! The number 1 company in the world and the richest family. I can't believe Andrea got this people come to my fashion show.

"It's fine. Jillian, i know your mother and your grandfather. Your mother and i were bestfriend, you take alot from her dear." She stroke my hair.

"R-really?" The mention of my mother got me stunned. There's only a few people who knows her and because i never met her i didn't have any memory or impression about her. I feel warmth and sad at the same times. I didn't realise my feeling was written all over my face.

"yes. So lovely, just like your mother." I didn't know but i can't stop myself from seeking love from her. "Now let me introduce you to my son, Troy." I was so occupied from her words i failed to see the man behind her. My body tense when our eyes met. I swear i could hear my own hearbeat.

"Nice to meet you Jillian, i'm Troy." He held my hand and plant a kiss. I feel electrocuted when he held my hands. What?! This is harassment! I mean it's not but this is sexual 'abuse', what nonsense Jills!

"Oh! Hi nice to meet you too, Troy." The last word was almost sound like a whisper. This man is a sin! Being too breathtaking is a sin for me!

" *cough cough* " I feel a hands around my waist.

"Ceo Hastring. Nice to meet you." Tiba2 ja ni lelaki! I thought he left! Control yourself Jillian!

"Oh. Mason William is it?" He extend hands to shake.

"I am. And this is my wife." What's his intentions?

"Oh. Then, may i have the honor to dance with your wife?" He say, amused. The fudge?! "Lady?" He turn to face me. Before i have the chance to reply, Mark abruptly shove me to Troy. Leaving me completely dumbfounded.

"Mark..." I throw him a glare. He wave his hands like it's not a big deal. I sigh.

"It's my pleasure.." it's okay Jillian, it just a dance. One dance. After i 'caught' him staring at me i feel uneasy. This is completely different from my past life. Well, i never have the chance to held this event. It just that, meeting new people scare me. I have to take precautions.

Madam Hastrings complete confused and surprise by her son behavior. She never saw him smile like that, she never saw him absentminded looking at a woman. The family knew how much disdain he has towards woman. But now he take the initiative to invite a woman to dance and happily kiss her hand and touch.

One time dorang attend a banquet, ada perempuan pura2 jatuh and reach him. She only manage to hold his sleeve, but what reaction he have that time? He turn pale and went berserk. He almost kill the girl. What did he say that time?

"You touch me, i might as well break your hand"

It was the first time they saw him smile but in everyone mind they wished to not see this smile ever again. He choke her so hard that she fainted. Kalau bukan Old master hastrings yang kasih sedar si Troy masa tu the girl might already dead by now. After dia sedar sikit the first thing he did was to pour a wine on his hand, the one that was used to choke the girl and wipe it until it turn red. It was a chilling schene.

Madam Hastring tida tau kalau ni perkara yang bagus atau tida, because she's married and from the look of her son it's not a simply temperorary interest he has toward Jillian.

Everyone in this hall has no ideas how big a commotion will turn up after this event. Because the Hastrings is from the country Z, orang dalam event ni cuma tau the news they read about the Hastrings is mostly circular about bussines. The great god of a Ceo that never once seen with a woman or touch a woman is dancing and flirting with a woman for the first time in his life. That's a very big news, the reporter that took many pictures will thank their ancestor for this and the reporter who only manage to take a few pictures already regretting until their eyes turn red. Of course that will be told later.

"You seem absentminded." I snapped from my thought. He held my waist tenderly.

"It's nothing." I smiled. Lie. Anyone who comeback to life and going through every single thing again surely have different kinda of thinking from everyone. That's exactly what i am right now.

"Is that so?" He twirl me and gently bring me back to his embrace, causing me to look directly into his dark eyes. I don't know what to feel, it was like his eyes calling me.

"Lovely." He chuckle. I blush.

"Ceo Hastring, it's not appropriate to flirt with a married woman like me." He grin at my words. What?

"Call me Troy. I'm glad you notice." He winks. Jesus! This man is dangerous! Playboy. I just rolled my eyes.


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