Chapter 22: The hatred she can't forget

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Jillian sat on the bed massaging her stiff neck. Teringat apa yang si Mason cakap tadi dia tiba2 berenti, what the hell is wrong with that man. Her beautiful eyebrows knitted and her thin lips pursed. Jillian geleng kepala dia.

"Andrea.." She didn't know how many days was she asleep. Andrea masuk dan berdiri dekat Jillian, waiting for her order.

"I was sick?" she ask. Andrea lifted her head and answered "yes miss. A fever." Jillian angguk ja, urut bahu dia.

"How many days?" Jillian tau dia tida pernah demam sejak kecil and this is her first time. "You have been unconscious for three days." Andrea cakap. Jillian angguk saja feeling completely normal. Andrea masih berdiri di siring feeling conflicted, dia tida tau mau cakap pasal situasi sekarang atau tida. The boss is just awake, i can't elavated her condition. Walaupun Andrea rasa gosip pasal si Mason tida akan bagi effect dengan si Jillian but she choose to be careful of her boss feeling. In the end Andrea pilih untuk diam saja but her expression didn't go unnoticed by Jillian. "speak." It was only one word needed for Andrea to speak. Feeling guilty she brought the tab click several time and hand it over to Jillian.

Jillian tenang saja baca tu news, for her this is nothing from the news she read from her past life. It's just this time it was explosive sebab si Troy pun terselit. She always knew the man hated to be touch by a woman, walaupun dorang tida pernah jumpa time dorang masih teenager but the man will always tell her, it's the way he promised that he will never 'cheat' on her. Masa dorang dancing she didn't remember anything about this but reading the article Jillian terdiam saja tapi tida terkejut.

"Hows the situation?" Jillian letak tu tab di siring. Andrea terkejut nampak si Jillian tenang saja, as expected my boss! Andrea tiba2 rasa bersemangat dan tida pening. "the reporters is still camping downstair, the situation at the company already been stabilize. Just a few reporters lurking around." Kalau bukan sebab villa Versales betul2 private dan sekuriti ketat mungkin disana pun banyak sudah reporters pergi.

"Good." Jillian angguk. Andrea senyum bangga kena puji boss dia, it was really rare for the boss to compliment someone. "company?" Oh yes, Andrea almost forget report pasal company dorang.

"Boss, the stock price is rising everyday. There's so many investors want to invest and company want a collaboration. Our clothing line is highly sought in here to country Z. We currently been place huge orders from every big family, the collection from your current project was a big succes!" Andrea cakap, mata dia bersinar2 terlampau excited. Cara dia tengok si Jillian memuja2, as expected from my boss! "Oh! And there's so many magazines want an interview. What should be done?" Andrea inquiry, she know her boss never accepted any interview before. To her surprise..

"choose the appropriate magazine. Inform them I'll be giving when we have the time." Jillian cakap. Walaupun sebenarnya cara dorang terima tu tida betul sebab sepatutnya company tu yang bagi masa tapi dengan situasi sekarang ni it's a win-win situation for both party. As expected when Andrea called the choosen magazine, bukan saja dorang tida marah dorang sanggup kasih sedia kemudahan dan especially tanya apa jenama baju Jillian mau pakai which Andrea terus cakap dorang akan pakai brand dorang sendiri. Andrea tau juga dorang tanya bukan untuk dorang pun, mungkin ada brand baju offer dorang benefit kalau Jillian pakai baju dorang. Which is a huge advertisement for the brand.

"Boss everything is settle." Andrea masuk dengan muka merah, the excitement in her eyes is so obvious it can't be more obvious. My boss is deserving her tittle as the Queen, she just woke up and manage to make a huge profit. Andrea panggil tu nurse dengan muka penuh semangat.

Just that... Jillian will never know, her life will change after this event. The secret of her birth, and her estranged paternal family.

Lepas Jillian kena cek doktor dan kena pantau 1 malam baru dia dapat pulang rumah. Mason never went back after that tapi dia ada call Andrea asking about her. The day she discarded Grandpa leo datang. Jillian rasa lama sudah dorang tida jumpa, walaupun kadang2 grandpa leo call setiap bulan tapi dorang tida pernah dapat jumpa depan2 kecuali Jillian datang villa sana which been a months.

"Lili.. how about this, since you and that brat going to stay over in few days anyway you come with me today?" Jillian senyap saja folding her sleeve. Dia mau reject mula2, but seeing the anticipation in his eyes as well as the loneliness she didn't have the heart to reject him. "Okay." Jillian senyum, the moment she said that grandpa leo revealed a wide smile. Jillian tau juga selama ni grandpa leo sunyi, sejak maternal grandfather meninggal dia makin menjauh dari dunia luar. Coincidentally both of their wife passed away earlier and now that his only good friend died as well grandpa leo was more lonely. His only happiness is when Jillian married to Mason, walaupun grandpa leo tau si Mason tiada perasaan dengan si Jillian.

"Andrea go retrieve my working bag. I'll be staying over for a few days, i might not come to the company for a while. Please arrange everything and send the work through fax." She ordered. Grandpa leo mau cakap sesuatu tapi bila terfikir cara si mason layan si Jillian last time dorang pulang terus dia diam. Mungkin hanya dengan kerja dapat buat si Jillian tenang.

Jillian parted way with Andrea. She went to grandpa leo car after checking the document and laptop inside her bag. "Don't over work yourself." Grandpa leo cakap, nampak si jillian dari tadi belek2 beg dia grandpa leo rasa hati dia sakit. "Ai, it was all my fault and your grandpa. If we didn't insist on marrying both Mason and you, you will never suffered so much like this." Jillian tengok grandpa leo yang penuh ekspresi penat di muka dia. Feeling her heartache for the old man. Jillian reach tangan grandpa leo and grip it softly "I don't blame both of you grandpa. I never did.. Maybe we were not fated as a couple." Jillian cakap. The divorce word is actually bring some comfort to her. Jillian tida dapat deny yang dia masih ada perasaan dengan si mason tapi perasaan benci dia di kehidupan dia yang lalu lebih besar dari perasaan sayang dia. Her child... The red blood flowing between her leg, she can't forget!

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