Chapter 30: Injury

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"Get me a phone!" Andrea tarik tu baju paramedic. Itu lelaki bagi saja handphone dia. Andrea tarik nafas kasih tenang fikiran dia. She press a string of numbers, few second later the call connected. "Uncle robert.. B-boss, yes call the Chang-an public hospital. Boss was sent there. Okay." Finally lepas settle semua habis tenaga si Andrea, tangan dia yang pegang tu handphone jatuh di paha dia.

"Are you okay?" The paramedic ask. Dia sedang balut tu kaki si Andrea. "Yes and faster i need to get to the hospital." She say. "But the ambulance is not here yet. "I'll go with the police car."

"Yes. We need to be there." Uncle lim added. Resigned to their request the officer and the medic support them to the car. "I'm so tired. Let me sleep for a while." Andrea duduk saja terus dia tidur.

West Valley hospital, outside the operating room.

Mark and Zoe sit grimly on the chair. Lepas Andrea dan Uncle lim sampai di hospital tadi dorang pun ada minor operation. Andrea call si mark untuk tunggu si Jillian. "Will she be alright?" Zoe tanya si mark di sebelah dia. "She will be alright." Mark cakap, sebenarnya dia pun tiada yakin. Dorang sampai tadi ngam2 Doctor Robert kena report pasal injury si Jillian. From what they heard Jillian's injuries is definitely not light. "How about we call her husband?" Zoe tanya. Walaupun Zoe sendiri tida suka si Mason tapi dengan keadaan si Jillian sekarang tida sesuai juga untuk dorang kasih biar si Mason tida tau. "Hm! That useless man? What use for him to be here?!" Mark marah. He can't even protect his own wife! Such a cheating and useless man doesn't deserve to be Jillian husband.

"He is the only family she got. At least think about grandpa leo, okay?" Zoe pujuk. Mark let a heavy sigh "Fine." Dia kasih keluar handphone dia baru call si Mason. Itu polis di sebelah dorang diam saja dengar perbualan si Zoe dan Mark.

Backwood Garden, private Villa.

Mason kasih busy fikiran dia buat kerja. Hati dia tida senang dari tengahari tadi. Mason letak tu working glasses dia. Glancing at the time, it was almost past 2am now. Mason ran his fingers through his messy hair. He reach the sleeping pill on the side. He was about to take the pill when his phone rang. Mason tengok tu unfamiliar number, dia hesitate sikit bila tu call mau mati terus dia sambut. Tida tunggu si mason bercakap sudah si mark duluan "West Valley hospital now." Mark mau hang up cepat2 si mason bercakap. "What do you mean?" Berdebar2 hati dia. "What do you think?!" Kali ni si Mark terus hang up.

Mason tengok tu handphone dia. He was sure it was Mark, Jillian's gay friend. Mason tida sedar tangan dia bergegar. His anxiety this entire day was true?

Mason staggered walking down the stairs. He felt his entire energy drains. "Master where are you going?" David keluar dari bilik pakai pyjama dia. David sebenarnya bukan saja assistant si mason, seluruh keluarga dia kerja dengan keluarga William. At home David as a housekeeper, at the company as a special assistant. "West valley hospital." Mason tarik nafas. He can't help but scared, hati dia tida senang sepanjang hari. Receiving the call from Mark earlier elevated his bad premonition. David angguk saja. Dia ambil tu coat si mason dan kunci kereta.

They only take 30minutes to reach the hospital. Mason dan David cepat2 jalan arah bilik pembedahan. "Miss Zoe, Mr Mark." David tegur dorang. "Hmp!" Mark tida layan dorang. "Housekeeper david, you guys are here." Zoe tegur, antara dorang tiga kawan dia saja yang normal. Not indifferent like Jillian and not too cheerful like Mark. "How is young madam?" David bagi pandangan sisi dengan si mason. Dari kereta tadi si mason diam saja. David nampak muka si mason blank tengok tu emergency light, indicating that the surgery is still on going.

Zoe: "We didn't know the exact situation but i heard doctor Robert and the other doctor said the injuries are not light. For now we only need to wait."

Mason jalan dekat dengan tu pintu. His hands trembling a little touching the cold door.

Mason: "What happen to her?" Suara dia serak dan boleh dengar suara dia bergegar sikit. He didn't know when Jillian existence is getting significant in his heart and life.

The police earlier went forward.

Officer: "Well according to the victim they were chased by two cars near the Chang-An cliff. We already dispatched people to monitor the area and looking for any suspicious person."

Mason: "David, you know what to do. I want to know everything before she wakes up." Mason tunduk kepala dia, shadowing any expression on his face right now. 'how dare?! How dare those people harming her!' Dengar tu polis cakap kereta dorang kena kejar berdekatan dengan gaung hati si mason berenti sekejap. Endless 'what ifs' was going through his head.

*Sorry for the late update!*

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