Chapter 32: Brother

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BAM! A shrill sounds emerging from the room, the men in black outside the room flinch from the sounds.

"Useless! I already said if anything happen to her everyone of you will bear the consequences!" Xi Jinze slam the table forcefully it cracked a little.

"M_master, what should this subordinate do?" The housekeeper asked carefully.

Xi Jinze, kalau orang yang rapat dengan si Jillian nampak dia mesti dorang terkejut nampak muka ni lelaki. Walaupun muka dia masculine jauh dari muka feminine si Jillian tapi iras muka dorang 90% serupa. Xi Tian, housekeeper family Xi yang lama sudah bekerja dengan dorang pun masa pertama kali dia nampak gambar si Jillian di files Housekeeper Xi fikir si Jillian ni kembar boss dia.

Lepas Old master versales meninggal Xi Jinze, abang si Jillian sentiasa monitor perkembangan adik dia. Lepas si Jillian masuk tabloids gara2 gossip dia dengan si Troy, musuh keluarga Xi dapat tau asal usul si Jillian sebab muka dorang hampir macam kembar.

Xi Jinze as the young patriach of the Xi family in independent island will never less an enemy. Sebab tu dia tida pernah cuba contact si Jillian. Dia tau juga setiap gerak geri dia kena pantau. Apalagi sekarang dia dapat tau ada musuh dalam keluarga dia sendiri.

But now that they was aware of his sister, Xi Jinze didn't restrain his protection.

Xi Jinze: "Go. Settle the manor, in a few days we'll go meet my sister."


"Master, we're arrived." Xu min bent his body slightly not courages enough to look at his master face.

Lepas 3jam terbang baru dorang sampai. Muka si Troy pucat, bawah mata dia hitam tanda tida cukup rehat. Baca dia berkedut, tiada tanda2 macam diri dia yang selalu perfectionist dan bersih. Dorang landing di rooftops hospital. Orang2 penting hospital semua menunggu di atas, as one of the biggest shareholder of Emperial Hospital Troy is considered as the big boss.

"President!" They shout in respect with unison.

The staff standing in two lines creating a path for Troy.

"Director, how's she?"

"The young miss has no sign of waking up but her vitals and organ is healthy. We already run a CT scan but found no serious trauma on her brain." Naturally the director knows who is 'she' Troy referring to.

"Then why is she not waking up? Hm?"

"This..." Itu hospital director tengok tu doctor yang monitor si Jillian dari awal.

"President Hastrings, while the we sure miss versales is not physically hurt but it's really hard to know her emotions. That's why we believed... We believe miss versales is shutting herself on her own. She might not be waking up." His words at the end was spoke in a low voice but Troy and everyone else still dengar. They sucked a cold breath, burying their head in the chest. Takut mau tengok muka si Troy. Walaupun dorang tida tau apa hubungan dia dengan si Jillian tapi dengan actions dia dorang tau si Jillian sangat penting.

"Wake her.... Wake her up no matter what method you use!" Troy voice's was strangely calm but only he know it's takes everything of his strength to not collapse. Xu Min as an assistant who serve Troy since they were young know how much blow his master takes. He can only sigh in his heart and pray for the young miss to wake up soon or else.....


A/N :

Sigh.... I'm really sorry for the short chapter 😪 I felt off and couldn't muster any type of imagination about the story. Sa ada story baru yang dlm progress, sa tida dpat kasih hilang tu idea dlm otak sa 😩 tu la makin kurg idea sa psal ni story.. Tpaksa jga mau taip tu story baru sbb bcampur2 tu story line dlm otak sa. Anyway buat masa ni SC saja yang sa publish.

-Not related but sa ada problem gugur rambut teruk sangat 😭 bikin risau ni.. Macam ada kanser pula ni sa skrg, asal bgn pagi, mandi atau sisir rambut inda sah kalau tiada segumpal rambut. Kamu ada tips ka bikin kurang gugur rambut?

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