Chapter 20: Different

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West Valley Hospital.

Sudah 2 hari Jillian tidur. Thank God her fever went down quickly on the second night, according to the doctor she should be conscious tonight or tomorrow.

Andrea tengok tu meja yang penuh hadiah, and sigh silently. Sejak keluar article pasal Jillian masuk hospital semua company hantar hadiah all of it consisted a nourishment to the body. Semua mahal2 punya ubat. Obviously she knew they try to curry favor with the Boss, even the people from the Country Z is sending a gift!

Andrea masih berfikir bila tu pintu kena buka. Mason masuk bawa bunga. He went closer to Jillian and caress her face lightly. Andrea pelan2 berdiri dan keluar. Sebenarnya Andrea bingung dengan perangai si Mason yang tiba2 berubah, selama 2 hari ni dia yang jaga Jillian di hospital. Mason bawa semua kerja dia di hospital, on the first night when the boss fever went up Mason patiently wipe the boss forehead and arms which is sweating. Did they switch place? From what Andrea know and see this past months with the boss, she doesn't seem like infatuated with Ceo William anymore. Now it looks like Ceo William is the one who love the boss.

Mason letak tangan dia di dahi si Jillian, bila dia agak2 demam mau hilang sudah baru Mason rasa tenang. He look at the girl sleeping calmly on the bed. Masa dia tidur saja baru Mason dapat tengok muka dia yang macam ni, the girl quietly laid on the soft bed. Her clean little face look innocent without any speck of flaw and delicate as a flower a complete opposite when she's awake. Remembering the look she gave when they meet on her event Mason felt his chest stuffy and uncomfortable.

Did she hate me that much? Did she really wanted to divorce? The stuffiness in his chest intensified, Mason kasih longgar tu necktie dia dan continue tengok si Jillian. He didn't know if he love her but he knew the feeling he have right now is different from anything he feel before. Different from the teenage love he have with Angela.

Is it because we're married? He is not sure but he didn't hate the feeling, and actually looking forward to it. Just that.... He look at the sleeping girl, did she still want it? With me?


Trevor baca tu news pasal Jillian dan dia. He threw the news and sat deeper in his chair. The little assistant stood quietly on the side.

As much as he want to fly there and take care of her he couldn't. Dengan semua gosip yang timbul, if the papp spotted him there it will only implicate her more. Troy kasih longgar necktie dia feeling suffocated. Teringat cara si Mason tengok Jillian, dia tiba2 rasa jealous.

"That man surely be there... Damn it!" Troy cursed. He never feel so useless before. kalau cuma gosip pasal dia, Troy tida peduli tapi ni Jillian pun kena. He really can't take the risk.

"Master what should we do with the news?" The little assistant solemnly ask. 'Hm Master is not happy with the news'. I should get rid of the rumors, the little assistant nod to himself looking upright completely oblivious he just dug a pit to his own self.

Troy glared coldly at the stupid assistant.

"Special assistant Xu, the Wembley project i want it to finish in three days." Troy sip on his tea calmly without looking at the stunned man on his side.

"Huh?....." Poor Xu Min, baru ja dia mengelamun kena puji oleh boss dia tiba2 dia kena bagi 'special' attention.

"What? Not willing?" Troy tengok tu assistant dia dari siring, calmly putting the tea cup on the side.

"Willing... I'm willing...." Special assistant Xu shakes and nod his head like a rattle drum. Fearing his Master will double the work he scrambled quickly from the office.

Xu min look at the ceiling and silently pitying his self. What did i do wrong? Xu min thought about it while he looked at the direction of his master office and rub his chin thoughtfully 'why does it seem like.. Master is worry?'. Selama ni kalau ada reporter yang berani tulis apa2 pasal Troy atau kasih pasang2 dia dengan perempuan, Troy tida cakap banyak whether he order the news to be rid or the company to be annihilated. But now, worry?

The pitiful assistant shake his head and sigh deeply. I should get my job done, resigned to his fate he quickly went to complete the work and stay working for 3days.

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