Chapter 24: Press conference

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"Boss, she's gone." David masuk.

Mason sedang cek documents, dia pause terfikir sesuatu. Baru dia mau bercakap handphone si David berbunyi. David tengok tu caller, his eyebrow furrowed by the name. Sure enough that woman will never let go. Dia kasih tengok tu handphone tempat si mason, mason angguk saja.

"Hello." Suara si misa bercakap. "Yes." David reply coldly, towards this two woman he really dislike them. "David, i heard boss is going to held a press conference today?" Si david dengar tu terus dia annoyed, walaupun si mason bagi si misa kerja jauh di city lain dia masih tau apa2 yang boss buat. David rasa jijik dengan confidence dorang, selama ni si misa selalu bagi 'pendapat' dengan boss macam dia yang tau semua. "yes." David mau letak tapi cepat betul si misa request mau bercakap dengan si mason. David tengok si mason, dia angguk kepala ja. Tu handphone kena loud speaker. "Ceo, i don't think it's the appropriate time to dismiss the scandals now." Misa cakap confident. Dia mau sambung tapi si mason cakap duluan "I don't think you have the say to what i am going to do, remember your position. After the project come to the company and go to the finance department to get your salary, you're fired." Lepas siap cakap terus mason hang up. David pun akhirnya rasa lega, dengan si misa tiada, peluang si angela jumpa si mason pun tiada sudah. 

On the other side, muka si misa pucat mendengar. W-what?! Fired? Just like that? Misa terus fainted on the spot, unfortunately her luck seems to be really bad because there's no one around her that time. She woke up later in mid night in the middle of nowhere.

"Hows the preparation?" Mason put on his black suit for the press conference tonight. "Everything is done, the reporters are waiting in the conference hall. 20 minutes before 8pm." David reported. The public relations has already made a proper arrangements and setup for the conference. As the time approached, the venue was already packed with well known reporters in Country M.

Just as the reporters bustling, the door venue opened. Ceo William and his trusted assistant as well as the public relations made way to the center of the hall.

"Good evening everyone. Thank you for coming, i will not length the speech on useless issue." David pause and lifted his chin slightly "Our company was aware of the scandals that has been going on our Ceo, the conference held for the purpose of providing a unified explanation regarding the issues. Please take turn to ask questions." As soon as the words dropped, the reporters rain them with questions. "Please take turn." David terpaksa remind.

"Good evening Ceo william. I'm from the Today's paper. Is it true that Queen Ceo and you will be divorcing?" A male reporter stood up first with question sharp and direct.

"No." Mason jawab pendek but they can feel the temperature dropped the moment he heard the question. The male reporter was in cold sweat getting a glared from the Ceo.

"Uhhh. Ceo william, so regarding the relationship between you and the B-list actress. Is there any explanation on that issue?" reporters lain terpaksa tahan takut mau menanya,

"I do not have relationship with the actress mentioned. It's true that i use to see her but that's was all in the past. I'm her employer, that's all."

"So Ceo william, how about the scandal that Mrs. William is the reason you breakup with the B-list actress?"

"There's no such thing. Even if there's no Jillian Versales there's always another heiress for the spot."

"Ceo William! What is the relationship between country z Hastring's heir and your wife?" Hearing them addressing Jillian as his wife Mason felt satisfied but hearing the question his chest felt stuffy and uncomfortable.

"My family inlaw is an old acquaintance with the Hastring. Nothing else." Mason answered with firm voice. Dia ada tanya grandpa leo pasal Jillian dan family Hastrings, knowing the answer he didn't feel a little bit relief. Jillian and Troy childhood... He really can not tolerate it. Mason didn't realise that he become more obsessed with Jillian. The conference last for 1 hour, after the reporters disperse there's a huge commotion on the internet. Sebab dorang buat conference tertutup tiada live kena buat.


Hello everyone, first of all i would like to apologise for the late update and short chapter. These few days i really couldn't focus myself on writing a new chapter. I would like to ask for a few days of rest to relax my chaotic mind 😪 There's so many moment the words keep slipping out off my mind, in the end i didn't manage to continue the chapter untuk kasih panjang sikit. Sa btl2 tida dapat fokus buat chapter sekarang. 😩 it's so frustrating!

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