Chapter 23: Venomous woman

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Jillian will never forget her unborn child! Walaupun dia tau Mason tida mau ada anak dengan dia but in the end itu masih darah daging dia. Jillian sanggup sudah kasih lepas si mason masa tu but she never expected not only was she lost her child she died on the same day. 18.APRIL.2016. That was the day she and her child died. That hatred, she can not forget!

"Lili? Lili? Are you okay?" Grandpa leo tepuk tangan Jillian. Seeing Jillian was not responding to his words.

"En. I'm fine grandpa." Jillian tunduk. The fatigue hadn't completely gone yet so she felt a little bit dizzy in the car. Dorang sampai di villa waktu limpas lunch sudah. "I have the maids clean your room, just go inside and rest." Nampak muka si Jillian yang pucat dan penat grandpa leo cepat2 suruh tu maid tolong si Jillian masuk bilik. Grandpa leo tengok si Jillian masuk bilik baru dia duduk. He reach the phone on the side and dialed Mason's number. "Brat! She's here and come home early!" Actually Mason yang paksa grandpa leo pujuk si Jillian datang rumah awal2. Dengan keadaan dorang sekarang Mason tida tau macam mana mau berdepan dengan isteri dia, he know that he fail big time. He wasn't supposed to lost his temper on her at the hospital but he can't help but to feel irritated. Dengan semua gosip yang timbul pasal dia dan si Troy tambah2 lagi pasal dia dan Angela, and the worst! One article have the guts to say that they're divorcing! "I know grandpa. I'll be home at 6pm." Mason letak tu handphone dia, urut dahi dia.

William Corp.

"How is the situation on my wife side?" For the past few days Mason keep saying the word 'my wife' which confused David, and the way he cared for the gossips circling around her. "The madam side has posted statement regarding the issues, most of it has already been settle by them. It was only on our side regarding the scandal between you and miss angela and i already inform the press about the conference today." Mason angguk, dia sudah plan untuk clear semua scandal pasal dia dan si Angela. Hari ni dorang buat press conference. Mason dan David sedang bincang pasal tu conference bila handphone si mason berbunyi, dia tengok ja tu nama terus Mason kasih terbalik. Beberapa minit lepas tu assistant si Mason masuk. "Boss, miss Angela is here to meet you." Dia cakap. Mason rasa annoyed dengan perangai si angela. "Settle it and in the future don't let her come here again." Mason tengok si david dari siring. David tau si Mason marah dengan cara dia cakap.

David keluar dengan tu assistant, di luar saja dorang terus si angela mau limpas masuk di dalam bilik. Dia ingat si mason suruh dorang keluar untuk dorang cakap berdua saja dalam bilik. David block jalan si angela. "Miss angela the ceo is not available and in the future you are not allowed to be here again. Please." David make a leaving gesture. Muka si angela pucat dengar apa yang si david cakap. "N-no.. Ur lying, he will not say something like that." Dia cuba limpas si david tapi tangan dia kena pegang. "Mason! I'm here." Angela teriak, dia tida percaya apa yang si david cakap. Hearing nothing from inside dia tambah panik, 3 orang assistant yang duduk di luar office si mason tengok dia dengan muka mengejek.

"Tsk. Who does she think she is? Only a B-list actress and have the nerve to ask the boss to meet personally."

"I heard the boss use to date her."

"So what? The boss is refusing her clearly he doesn't care about her anymore."

"Right! She's just an ex-girlfriend! What a shameless woman."

Terdengar tu perbualan dorang Angela tambah marah apalagi time dia dengar tu perkataan ex-girlfriend. She can't accept it! I'm not! I'm not his ex-girlfriend! Bergegar tangan si angela tahan marah, dia jeling tu assistants. "Mason!" Dia masih desperate mau jumpa si mason. "Call the security!" Lama2 si david pun rasa annoyed sudah dengan perangai si angela. Dia pernah nampak si angela yang dulu masa si mason masih berlajar di Uni dan dorang dua masih couple, dia tida dapat kasih kait si angela yang dulu dan sekarang. Apa yang dia nampak sekarang ni cuma perempuan desperate saja dan dalam opinion dia perosak rumah tangga. He was disgusted by her, david paling benci perempuan macam ni. "No need!" Dengar apa yang si david cakap Angela terus sedar. Dia tida mau kena paksa keluar dan orang nampak dia kena tarik oleh sekuriti. She was a star! And soon to be A-list actress. She tidy her clothes and glare at everyone. Looking at the tightly shut door her hatred towards Jillian increasing.

Bagi dia semua ni salah si Jillian. Kalau bukan sebab dia mason dan dia masih couple and probably married by now. The tittle Mrs.william is hers by now! No! Mrs.william is me alone! That should be mine! Angela keluar dengan muka relax dia, macam perempuan yang tadi teriak2 minta jumpa si mason bukan dia. She look fine but her whole person is filled with venom. Right! Cousin Misa! She can help me meet Mason. Terfikir sampai situ Angela cepat2 masuk bilik persalinan. Ternampak orang keluar masuk di bilik Angela rasa jijik dan marah. Dia sudah minta bilik dia sendiri tapi sebab dia masih dalam golongan second rate actress dorang tida bagi kemudahan untuk ada bilik sendiri, kecuali yang A-list.

"Cousin! Help me! I need to meet with Mason." Angela cakap. Sebenarnya dia mau jumpa si mason sebab dia terdengar orang cakap pasal tu press conference hari ni. Dia tida mau gosip pasal dorang berenti clearly because everyone held important towards her and she still think that it was not a gossip at all! Everything is true to her.

"I'm not in the company now, i have a job in another city. Just go there, he will meet you without me." Misa cakap confident, dia masih fikir yang si Mason masih ada perasaan dengan si angela.

"He didn't want to see me and he told me not to go there anymore and cousin call him asap! I heard everyone saying they will held a press conference about the scandals!"

"What?! Impossible! Okay I will call the boss." Misa cepat2 hang up. She have a very bad feeling about this. Misa confidence dengan influence dia, the boss will definitely listen to me.

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