Why Did I Get Stuck With The Narcoleptic Cowboy?

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When Tani woke up from a full night of sleep, she didn't expect to find herself underneath a huge pile of nakama. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were sprawled across her and each other, forming a ball of tangled limbs and snoring faces. Around them leaned Zoro, Nami and Sanji, all of them sleeping soundly.

Tani groaned at the ache in her chest from all the pressure that Luffy had pressed against her. For someone so small and thin, he sure could be heavy. She went to push herself up, but the arms tightly wound around her waist pushed her back into the sand. She tilted her head down to stare at Luffy's arms, which had looped around her waist at least three times. A snicker was heard from the girls left, she turned her head to find Ace looming nearby with a smirk.

"Yeah, he's not getting off anytime soon," he grinned. Tani went to speak, but the pile shifted. Luffy was pushed by Zoro, shoving the captain closer to Tani's face. The girls face went beet red when his nose smooshed into her cheek. She sent pleading eyes to the older brother, who was no help at all because he was too busy laughing at her situation.

"Morning already?" yawned a very tired Nami, she stretched her arms. Her balled fists accidently landing on the snoozing head of Sanji, waking him up instantly. The cook groaned, but seeing Nami so early in the morning seemed to snap him out of his groggy mood.

"Nami my love, what a beautiful morning it is to see such a gorgeous lady first-" Sanji cooed, only stopped when Zoro turned again. Knocking into Sanji and sending him face first into the sand. Sanji was not amused. "Oi! Stupid shitty swordsman, you ruined my perfect morning," Sanji growled, Zoro snored in response.

The cooks leg lifted high into the air, slamming down like a guillotine against Zoro's snoring head. The swordsman's head broke the surface of the sand, he kinda looked like an ostrich when they stick their heads in the ground. Tani burst into laughter, the shaking of her body disturbing the small form of Chopper.

"Uhnnn? Wha-" Chopper yawned. Shrieking when Zoro's sandy head burst from the ground with murderous intent. The rivaling crew mates kicked and sliced at each other, not causing any damage to one another but the conflict was loud.

Usopp stirred beside Tani, blinking himself awake when Chopper scrambled to run and hide from the scary fight. Tani was still laughing at the image of Zoro being an ostrich.

"Hmm?" Luffy mumbled sleepily. His grip loosened slightly as he woke up more and more. Tani took the opportunity to hook her fingers under his twisted limbs and scoot herself out of the loops. The air filled her lungs fully, it was glorious.

"Is it breakfast yet?... Sanji," Luffy whined, elongating Sanji's name like a child. "I'm hungry," he sulked. Flopping back into the sand with his arms held out, handle barring Tani with him. Her head smacked into the sand bellow.

"Ow! Luffy watch what you're-" Tani began complaining, but a leg slammed into Luffy. Ostriching him into the sand like Zoro was moments ago. Tani burst into laughter, holding her gut at the humorous sight.

Man what a way to wake up!


"Hotttt..." Luffy whined, his mouth agape and hiking stick dragging behind him.

"You're not the one carrying all the bags," Tani complained back. Sure she's holding them because she felt like it was her responsibility, but she felt like complaining so she was gonna do just that. Luffy couldn't be trusted after losing half their stuff to those thieving birds.

"Tani my dearest, let me hold all those bags for you~" Sanji twirled around to face the sweaty girl. She gave him a small wave of the hand to signify that she didn't want the help. Sanji insisted again but Tani walked faster to catch up with the main bulk of the group.

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