Ocean Boom-Gates Weren't An Issue We Expected To Encounter...

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"Come on? You can't even pick up one of these?" Zoro teased, lifting a weight that was larger than him and Tani combined. Tani deadpanned at him.

"Maybe if you had bones made of glass, you could make comments like that you asshole," she snickered. Opting to lift the 2kg dumbbells.

Ever since the encounter with Aokiji, Tani's been more dedicated to her training with Zoro. It's been brutal, and the mocking is a pain, but he seems to appreciate the work she puts in.

"Oi Oi, want some muscle for your weights?" Sanji's voice mocked. Walking up the stairs to the back of the ship, a tray of rice balls and two glasses of juice balanced perfectly.

"Look Sanji," Tani grinned, holding up her arm and flexing the muscle. She'd gained a little since starting her training with Zoro, all the way back in East Blue. The flabby chub she used to have had hardened a bit. An improvement none the less. "Pretty cool right?" she vibrated with excitement. Sanji nodded.

"That's quite the improvement, soon you won't be soft to touch anymore." he pouted, though it held hints of playfulness. Zoro scoffed.

"Who needs soft? It's the Grandline." the swordsman said with the roll of the eyes. Snatching the juice glass from the tray and chugging the whole thing. Sanji was not impressed.

Tani grabbed the small towel she'd left next to her bag, wiping the sweat from her forehead and under arms. She turned to Sanji and grabbed the remaining juice, taking a sip and sighing happily.

"How do you do it? Teach me your secrets, oh prince of the kitchen," Tani said dramatically, hand to her head and swaying back in a swoon. Sanji bowed with just as much drama.

"Kingdom secrets my darling queen of the mac and cheese," he said with gusto. Zoro snorted, grabbing one of the rice balls from the plate.

"You two look like such morons," Zoro mocked. Sanji and Tani looked at the swordsman with amusement.

"Alright... Four sword style," Tani poked her tongue out. Zoro tensed, sending her a glare. Sanji noted that for later use.

"King of getting lost," Sanji snickered. Tani laughed, slapping her knee. Oh right, Sanji brought rice balls.

What a weird choice for an afternoon snack? But she wouldn't complain, she'd already come to terms with the different culture... Maybe she could convince him to make jelly filled donuts someday.

"Woah! Nami! Nami follow that frog," Luffy's voice called from the fishing spot. What frog?

Tani made her way towards Luffy, Usopp and Chopper. Spotting the giant frog that was-

"Is that frog swimming with a freestyle stroke?" Tani pondered. What a strange frog, normally they do that leggy moving one that jumps them forward. This frog was slicing through the water in a very human style of swimming.

"I wanna eat it," Luffy said with drool building up in it mouth. "Nami, follow it," Luffy commanded. The navigator rolled her eyes but did as she was asked. Changing the ships course to follow the freestyle frog.

"Hey... What're these black lines? Along the surface of the water," Usopp questioned, pointing down at the parallel lines that are trailing alongside Merry. They looked familiar to Tani.

"Huh... They kinda look like train tracks," Tani hummed. Staring at the track like shapes. Luffy perked up.

"What's a train?" the captain asked, pushing himself next to Tani to look at the tracks. Zoro stood close by, just in case the rubber idiot dropped over board.

"They're these large cart like things, that are used to transport people and things across really look distances at fast speeds." Tani explained, using her hands to motion a train moving. "They're kinda like a bus, but trains are stuck to these tracks." she pointed at the ocean tracks. "Mum and I would ride the train sometimes to-" Tani cut herself off when her ears picked up a sound...

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