Bro Have You Seen These New W A V E R S

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"OK so let me get this straight," Tani almost groaned. "You're saying that we've just angered a literal God, who has electric powers... And that because of this we are all going to die?" Tani had her fingers fanned out and touching at the tips. Kinda like those fancy looking professors from the movies.

Conis nodded nervously. Tani actually groaned.

"Of course we did, what kind of pirate adventure would this be without causing trouble on literally every island we land on!" Tani complained. "Evoked the God! And he shall smite thee!" she said with dramatics.

"HALT! TRESPASSERS!" a man in a white beret called out from a bush. A few more men followed behind him.

"Oh come on!" Tani shrieked. Robin simply smiled at the ordeal with amusement. How humorous it was when the universe decided the target one individual that wasn't herself.

"You're the trespassers from the blue sea correct?" the leader asked, pointing towards the group. The crew all looked at each other before turning back and in unison, waved their hands in denial and chanting "No, no we aren't," together.

The white beret guy blinked in confusion before apologising and turning away from them with a sheepish frown.

The crew went back to comforting Nami.



The man burst through the bushes again and started shouting at them again. Something about trespassing and all the jazz. The crew was too busy listening to Nami recount her traumatic experience.

"How about we relax on the beach? I could make something sweet to calm your nerves my lovely Nami," Sanji offered kindly.

"Stop you trespassers!"

"I saw plenty of comfortable chairs in a gazebo on the way over," Robin added quietly. Spawning a hand to help Nami back onto her feet. Nami nodded in thanks.

"Hello? Are any of you listening to me?!"

Usopp pointed forward, taking the lead while excitedly telling Nami about the upgrades he was going to make to the clima-tact with the new dials he'd taken (with permission) from Pagaya. Her mood brightened up at the conversation.


"Shut up!" Luffy and Zoro called at the same time. Both boys turning and punching the man in the face. Sending him flying back into the bushes he came from, his back up looked at the captain and first mate with fear. Both men had already turned away from them to join the crew on the beach.


Tani was relaxing on a deck chair beside Nami and Robin. The sweet smell of those pumpkin melons and other foods being cooked over an open fire dial filled the air. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper happily climbed trees and made sand castles. Zoro was cleaning his swords with a fond smile on his face. Tani sighed with content... Oh maybe she should take a photo!

The girl got off her chair and glided towards the boat... Well until she saw the clouds that she'd have to walk through to get to said boat. She nervously dipped her toes into the white clouds with discomfort. She could already feel her limbs tense.

Tani shoved her foot into the cloud, her foot submerging into the fluffy mist. Her brain screamed at her to get it out, she couldn't feel the ground. It wasn't the same density as regular water either, she would almost certainly fall through.

The girl let out a whimper and pulled her foot out with lightning speed. Shaking her whole body as if flicking the non-existant cloud off her body.

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