Bermuda? Florian? Either Way I Better See Some Aliens

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Tani sat in Franky's workshop while he searched for the right tools to fix her little issue... Those god damn, golden cuffs!

For a man with large hands, he was very gentle and careful with his movements. To the point that when he pulled out a tool that looked like a laser, Tani just covered her eyes and let Franky get to work.

The room was silent, save for the whirling of power tools. Franky needed to concentrate and making small talk would only cause a slip of the hand. Tani didn't enjoy the quiet all too much, it normally meant she was completely alone and that bothered her immensely.

The clinking of metal hitting the ground, alerted Tani to the sight of one cuff being removed completely. The weight completely lifted from her wrist... And the sight was awful.

The tan line was off, instead the skin was a reddish-brown colour that looked raw. Stretch marks adorned the spot, though they weren't as obvious as the marks on Luffy's arm from the golden ball.

Franky cut the second one off, the spot looking just as raw as the other side. She'd need to visit Chopper now.

"Alright Tani, you're wrists are super! Free now." Franky announced. Tani flexed her wrists, there was much more movement now. She'd barely noticed how limited her movement was, since it never really affected her ability to fight... Or it did and she's just improved so much that she didn't need the wrist movements. Oh she's gonna be even cooler now! Hopefully.

"Thanks a bunch Franky!" Tani hopped off the work bench, stretching herself out. Franky gave her a big thumbs up. "Got any plans for today?" Tani asked, poking at the sore spots, and yep! They hurt.

"Just tinkering with a couple of super! Projects I have," he answered. Tani perked up at that.

"What kinda projects? Can I see?" she asked curiously. Franky gave her a thumbs down.

"No way little-sis, it's a surprise." he said. Tani gave her best pout, she wasn't good at the puppy dogs eye thing, but she always managed with her mum... How was mum going?

"Woah! Usopp look at this one!" Luffy's voice rang over the ship. Oh now she wanted to know what he caught. The last time Luffy was that surprised at catching something, it was a ballerina man who ended up being really cool.

She climbed out of the workshop, spotting Luffy and Usopp belting out fish after fish into a small open latch. She was guessing it lead to the aquarium bar down stairs. The Sunny had so many levels, Tani was surprised Zoro hadn't gotten lost yet.

Then again, Zoro only really stayed in the observation deck. He'd claimed it as his personal gym, Tani guessed it's because of the view. He was always very observant of his surroundings. Like he's looking for trouble, blood thirsty bastard.

"Look out-"


A large fish of unknown origin smacked Tani in the face, the force of which knocking her backwards. She didn't fall over, so that's nice. Her face still hurt from the fish slap. Tani turned to face the culprit, and he didn't look sorry in the slightest.

"Look at all the fish we caught," Luffy smiled. Pointing at the latch that was still open for the fish to be tossed into. "Sanji's gonna make us lunch with all the fish we catch," Luffy was already drooling at the thought. Tani huffed a laugh, making her way towards the spare fishing rod. It's been a while since she's gone fishing. The crew always being busy with marines or saving countries, relaxing seems like an impossibility sometimes.

"Hey, the cuffs are off," Usopp pointed out. Holding his hand out for Tani, so he could take a closer look. "You'll wanna rest your wrists for a bit, I know how much it hurts to tenderise the muscles there." he stated, when did Usopp become a doctor? Oh wait! He uses a sling shot, and that needs wrist and arm movement.

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