Mr Sandman! Bring Me A Sand, But Not That Much Sand Please

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It started with a single drop of rain, the little drop came down from the sky and hit Usopp smack bang in the eye. At first he whined about it, but then the next drop fell, and the next, and the next so on so forth. The fighting ceased, the confused men and women stuck in a daze as the freshly fallen rain showered over their bloodied skin.

Cheers and screams of pure elation filled the air, the war they had fought only seconds ago was long forgotten as they basked in the refreshing rain. The reign of terror was over, they were free.

"The rain has fallen! The nightmare is finally over!" Vivi cried to her people, the men and women stared at their princess. The fat tears rolled down Vivi's cheeks, mixing with the blessed rain.

"Hey what's that?" some random called out. The massive form of a man came crashing down from the heavens, slamming into the centre square with his limbs spread out and his eyes rolled back.


Tani felt the urge to walk over and kick the knocked out man. But she stayed with her nakama, waiting patiently for their captain to return.

The earth shook again, many toppled and fell over one another. A cloud of dust bloomed from the other side of the city. That had to be Luffy's doing. Nobody could be that destructive. So the crew waited... And waited... And waited. Chopper went over everyone's wounds, but he couldn't heal their worried hearts.

A single bell caught Tani's attention, her face lit up in the same manner as the towns people had, at the sight of rain. He was here! Luffy's back! She lifted her head only to be faced with a tall man with aged features, piggybacking a passed out Luffy. Zoro was quick to collect the sleeping captain, giving a thankful nod to the mystery man.

Luffy looked like he'd been through hell and back, his knuckles bloodied from the long fight, crimson stained bandages wrapped his torso, and his skin was tinted a slight purple. Wasn't Luffy unable to bruise?

"Father..." Vivi smiled. The man opened his arms, and the princess charged full force at him. Wrapping her arms around him tightly, sobbing happily for the millionth time that day. "It's over! We won!" she cried. The king lifted her face and wiped away her tears. He slowly faces the straw hat crew, who were crowding their wounded captain.

"Straw hat was badly poisoned during his fight, Crocodile's partner administered the cure so he should survive," the king informed. That would explain Luffy's normally sun-kissed skin being that sickly purple. "He also lost a lot of blood, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wake up for another three days," Vivi's father finished, turning to face Vivi once again.

"The people are in need of our guidance," the king said softly. Turning his gaze back to the crew who had helped secure their victory. "You wouldn't mind if I stole Vivi for a while would you?" he asked.

"No no not at all, please take your time," Nami said, only those who really knew her could hear the strain in her words. The king gave her a nod, turning away with Vivi in tow. Once the royal pair was out of sight...


The straw hats melted into a puddle on the wet sandy stone path, panting and groaning tiredly. They were completely and utterly exhausted! This was their biggest achievement yet, so they earned this nap. The crew curled close to one another, using each other for warmth and comfort. Sleep taking hold of them all.


Tani woke up in what felt like the most comfortable bed in the world, she didn't remember falling asleep in a bed so she jolted up and stared at her surroundings.

The room was a white walled room with rows of beds, each bed held its own straw hat crew member. Tani let out a relieved sigh, a small warm smile gracing her tired face. Zoro and Luffy snored loudly, Sanji was tangled in his blanket while falling off the bed, Usopp was drooling and Nami was hugging Chopper like a fluffy teddy bear.

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