Pop! Goes The Straw Hats

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enjoy the early update :3c)


"Release the celestial dragons! Or else," the marines commanded again. Unaware of the triple threat that approached them.

Luffy, Law and Eustass (Tani later learned his preferred title is Kid) walked along side each other, steps echoing through the long hallway that lead outside.

Not too far behind the captains, the crews followed. Remaining silent, because who wants to ruin their captains' entrance?

Law's crew lingered by Tani, giving her excited looks. Tani didn't understand what the hell was happening with that crew, but the bells on their wrists... Even the way the string is tied, was her style of tying knots.

Sunshine hit the pirates eyes, and as promised. A platoon of marine soldiers surrounded the building, guns at the ready. The captains continued walking until they stood outside the building, lined up in a row. Law standing to the right side, Kid in the middle, and Luffy to the left. All of them bickering among each other, though the air seemed friendly.

The marines looked at the powerful trio, the marine captain remained confident.

"Where's the hostage?" the marine leader demanded. The captains all shrugged, not really caring about the celestial bastards. The marine leader wasn't having it.

"Open fire!" he commanded. The marine soldiers clicked their weapons, aimed and fired at the three captains.

Worst mistake they'd ever made.

The trio grinned with varying degrees of malice, giving each other enough distance so as to not hinder one another.

Luffy started with a "gum gum balloon", bouncing the bullets away. Kid and Law looked at him with mixed emotions, ranging from "What kind of power is that?!" to "That looked really stupid". Luffy ignored them.

The bullets that sprayed towards Kid, paused in the air. Kid's smirk stretched far across his face, as the bullets were sent flying back. Hitting each marine that fired, right in the chest. Many men dropped to the ground, squirming in pain.

Law had lifted his hand up, Tani wasn't at the right angle to see what he was doing, but she did notice the blueish haze that surrounded the area. It wasn't Luffy, and Kid looked like he had a magnet or metal manipulation power.

"Those guys are screwed," the penguin hat guy snickered to orca hat guy.

The bullets that neared Law, just like Kid, paused before they hit him. However, instead of firing back, Law let them fall to the ground. The marines realized their guns wouldn't work against these opponents, dropped the firearms and charged with a range of melee weapons.

Law grabbed the handle of his ridiculously long sword. The marines drew closer. Law withdrew the sword, slicing quickly.

Tani couldn't believe her eyes.

Every marine that had charged towards the armed man... Well they were dismembered. Their bodies floating casually in the blue dome that Law had created.

"Hey Robin," Tani nervously laughed, pointing at Law. Who was now playfully swapping and sticking random body parts in spots they shouldn't go. "We found that guy you were talking about on Thriller bark."

Robin gave a humorous snicker. "So it would seem,".

Kid held his arm up, metal rattled around. Clinking and scraping against each other. Kid flicked his wrist, a storm cloud of metal guns, swords, lances, batons, literally any weapon that the marines had (that contained metal) floated into the air. Kid waved his arm towards himself, the metal followed his lead, flying towards him. They danced and molded around his arm, taking the shape of a metallic monster arm.

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