Remember When 4Kids Ended The Dub With The Strawhats Getting Hit By The Ship?

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"The fish aren't biting today," Usopp whined. Slumping over the railing with his fishing rod in hand. Tani was bored out of her mind. Zoro was doing more solo training to hone in on that new steel cutting technique he learned when fighting Mr 1, so Tani was left to entertain herself with a fishing rod... But no fish were biting.

"Ugh!" Nami groaned for the fifth time that morning, she was furiously tapping at the log pose attached to her wrist. "Stupid thing is broken," she growled.

"Miss navigator, what seems to be the problem?" Robin asked politely. Walking over to Nami's side, she noticed that the pose was pointing upwards. Nami gave it a few more taps but let out an annoyed groan and flopped over the railing outside the kitchen area. Her log pose was exposed, and seemed to grab Luffy's unstimulated minds attention. Robin let out a snicker.

"That means that another island with a much stronger magnetic pull has caught our log. A sky island to be exact," she sounded full of wisdom, maybe she's been to a sky island before.

Luffy grabbed Nami's hand and pulled it closer to him so he could take a look at the log pose. His eyes glittering with adventurous intent. Nami let out a gasp and pulled her hand away.

"No no no no no! We are not going to a sky island, because we can't fly!" she stated matter-of-factly. Luffy pouted and crossed his arms.

"But Nami," he elongated her name, "I'm the captain, and I wanna go to the sky island," he said defiantly, with absolution in his tone.

"Who has ever heard of a ship sailing in the sky? Because I haven't," Nami retorted. A smug look on her face as she pointed to the sky. She failed to notice small planks of wood falling from the spot she was pointing towards.

As if the gods had heard her question. A giant wooden boat fell from the sky! Rotten wood and moss covered planks toppled from the boat as it made impact with the ocean below it. Sending an array of shock waves towards Merry. That landing was way to close of comfort. The waves from the ships landing, washed over the main deck of the Merry. Robin made a net of arms to catch anyone who threatened to fall over board.

"Nami! Rule two of the movie hand book. Never ever make a statement like that!" Tani coughed, water sputtered from her mouth. "It's like a jinx, the opposite of what you say will happen... Every... Single... Time," oh man now her jacket was wet.

"I wanna see the ship!" Luffy declared, shaking his head like a dog drying it's fur. Water sprinkled over anyone within a three feet radius. Nami pointed at the wrecked boat that was sinking into the depths of the sea.

"You can't, because it's in the ocean and you can't swim," Nami sounded frustrated beyond words. Robin walked over to the raging red head and pat her shoulder.

"Why don't we try a deep dive expedition?" robin suggested, "It would allow us some insight as to how this boat managed to fall from the sky. As well as satisfy Mr captain's need for adventure," the woman persuaded. Nami rubbed her temple tiredly.

"There might also be hidden treasure," Robin smiled enigmatically. Nami's eyes switched to a golden simmer.

"Alright let's check it out," she declared, her hands clapping together with a devilish grin.

So here the crew was, with three barrels with glass windows installed (thanks to Usopp and his brilliant ability to make stuff), the barrels were hooked up to long tubes that nobody had any idea was on the ship. The whole invention was insanely simple yet complex. It's pretty much the nautilus man but made of barrels.

Tani came running out of her room in her bathers, swim shorts and scorkel. She didn't care what the others said, she's going swimming and they can't stop her. The crew decided that Luffy, Zoro and Sanji would be the ones going on this adventure. So the three of them suited up and looked... They looked ridiculous.

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