Flying Fish, Plastic Surgery, And Takoyaki Galore

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Tani watched the newly crafted toaster, waiting for it to pop. Franky wanted her there, since she was an expert on this technology (she wasn't, she just knows what the end product should look like). The toaster ticked, the smell of cooked bread rising from the contraption. Then again, Sanji's bread always smells good.


The toast came springing out of the slot, flying across the room. Usopp and Tani gave small jumps of surprise at the projectile, while Franky was already noting down the intensity of the spring pad.

The toast smacked the roof, wedging into the wood. The bottom half was slightly burnt, but other than that. It was the perfect piece of toast... And weapon too.

"Usopp-bro, you could super! Use this design for your slingshot." Franky noted, already taking the toaster apart. Usopp was already thinking about it.

"Anything else you guys need me for?" Tani asked, stretching her arms. She'd been hunched over the bench, staring at the toaster. She needed to move her stiff limbs.

"Not for now Tani-sis. You were super! Helpful though." he praised. Tani rubbed her neck sheepishly.

"Aw, you're making me blush." she danced. Heading towards the ladder out. "Call me back when ya need me," she requested, leaving to the sounds of affirmation.

The summer breeze washed over her face, the Sunny was breathing with life.

Nami was tending to her trees, Robin lending a hand or dozen. Zoro was working out, his movements slow and tired. Chopper was drying and crushing up some medical plants, keeping an eye on the recovering swordsman.

Brook was playing an amalgamation of fast paced ballad, and rock n' roll. It sounded awesome!

Sanji was taking a smoke break, staring at the ocean with a soft smile. He had a notepad in his other hand, probably listing off the meals he was making for that week.

Luffy was missing, Tani had an idea on where he was. The girl made a B-line for the masthead. Knowing he would enjoy her company... And she would enjoy his too... Shut up! She still gets flustered about it.

Tani popped her head around the corner, Luffy didn't hear her approaching. The captain was holding a small piece of paper in his hand, the tip was burning up.

"What's that?" she asked, already moving in to take a seat beside Luffy. He looked up at her with a concerned face, which morphed into a small smile.

"It's Ace's vivre card." he stated, keeping his fingers tight around the little paper.

"Is that why it's on fire? Because Ace is made of fire," she asked, scooting close enough that her leg was pressed against Luffy. The boy shook his head.

"Lola says that the paper burning, means the person is hurt." he said with a quiet (Luffy quiet) voice. Focusing on the burning page, it was only the tip of a corner.

"Well, he is a pirate. A high ranking one at that. Of course he's gonna get roughed up." she attempted to comfort. Luffy looked up at her with a brighter demeanor.

"Yeah, Ace is strong though. He wouldn't want me worrying about him." Luffy said, giving the page one last look, before tucking it back into his hat.

"You're allowed to worry about him Luffy. He's your brother," Tani assured. "It means you care." Tani said. Luffy gave a sigh.

"Ace won't die, so I don't need to worry." Luffy said with a grin, his mood already lifting. "He promised me he wouldn't, Ace doesn't break promises." Luffy assured himself.

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