Rocking The Horror That Is Prison

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If level 3 was hell on earth... Then level 4 was hell's hell!

"The heat from this level is so strong, that it dried out the whole of level 3," Bon Clay explained to Luffy and Tani.

Trip went missing the moment she landed, Tani couldn't hear her bell at all.

"Hungry... Thirsty..." Luffy whined. Tani gave a soft smile. Pulling her bag over her shoulder, and revealing the water bottle.

Luffy didn't think twice, before grabbing the bottle and sculling it's contents. Humming happily as the water refreshed his system. Tani gave Bon Clay an apologetic look, the man smiled brightly. Taking no offense to the action.

"Yosh! Now that I'm feeling better, let's go find Ace, and that Emperor Ivan-polka guy." Luffy declared.

"Ivan who now?" was this that Ivankov guy that Oscar was so excited to talk about?

"The okama queen," Bon said with a twirl, heart a flutter at the thought of such an idol. "He's been missing for years, and it's rumoured that he's been in prison. I hope to free him," Bon Bon was glowing with admiration.

"If Bonny wants to save this guy, then we want to save him too." Luffy snickered. God that smile did wonders to Tani's heart.

"Where's that spunky little doll?" Bon asked. Looking around, only now noticing that Trip was missing.

"Knowing Trip, she's doing something important for the plan-"

A blood curling scream filled the level. Howling pain that echoed off every wall, sending chills down the spines off those with a heart. One thing was certain though...

That scream was not Trip.

Now the haunted, hollow cackling that followed the screaming? Yeah that was definitely Trip.

"All those in favour of heading in that direction? Raise your hands," Tani called. Lifting her hand.

Luffy and Bon lifted their hands. Tani gave a nervous laugh.

"This should be... Terrifying." she sighed. Luffy grabbed her sweat slicked hand, a comforting pillar to keep her grounded.

It felt like they were walking around in circles, every bloody wall, fire lit torch, reddish glowing hole in the ground. It all looked the same!

The heat and screaming wasn't helping the girl concentrate on finding Trip's location. The heavy breathing behind her head was not helping either.

"Can you stop that?" Tani requested, turning her head to look at Luffy. Her expression shifting from annoyed, to shocked.

"I wasn't doing anything?" Luffy shrugged, taking note of Tani's shifted expression. What-

"Minotaur..." she whispered.

"Mini tart? Where!" Luffy's stomach rumbled at the thought of food. Tani pointed behind him.

"Minotaur," she said louder. Luffy turned around, expecting a small tart. There was no tart, only a tall half man, half cow with a dopey expression and an axe.

Luffy's disappointment was immeasurable... And his day was ruined.

"You're not a tart!" Luffy lamented angrily. Rolling his shoulder, he was in a bad mood now. Tani and Bon Clay took a step back, they'd only get in the way.

"Gum gum pistol!" Luffy's arm flew forward at a break neck speed. His fist collided with the beasts chest, pushing it back. The Minotaur didn't flinch at the contact.

This would be a tough fight, and they had no time for this.

"Run!" Tani shouted. Grabbing Luffy by the back of his shirt and dragging him away. Bon Clay ran beside the girl.

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