Could This Get Any Coca Cooler? Cyborgs And Secrets

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That night in the hotel was just as painfully awkward as dinner had been. Nami and Tani had a room to themselves, and without Robin there... It felt empty. Yeah that's the feeling right now, empty.

The boys weren't fairing any better. The lack of Usopp, made it harder to sleep easy. Nobody really got any sleep that night. So meeting up that morning was filled with grumpy groans and massive yawns. Eye bags on everyone's eyes.

The crew made their way down for breakfast, when some conversations floated around. Rumours of someone being shot? The mayor or something. This seemed to wake Nami and Luffy up.

"Isn't Iceberg the mayor?" Nami questioned. Turning to face the captain, he nodded. "We should go check up on him," the red head stated. Getting up from the table to leave, Luffy trailed behind her. Tani got up and intercepted them.

"Can I come along? I have a feeling that something concerning 'you know what'," she looked at Nami, who remembered Tani's worries from yesterday. "Is involved with this," Tani theorised.

"It would be safer for Tani to come along with us," Nami explained. Luffy and the others looked at each other with confused expressions. "Tani has reason to believe that there's foul play involved." Nami explained in the briefest way possible.

Luffy nodded, he didn't have time for this. Honestly he felt much better having Tani close by, that way he could fight people who try to hurt her. He's not losing anyone else from his crew.

"Hurry up! We gotta check on Iceberg guy," Luffy reminded. The girls jumped into action, running by Luffy's side. The rest of the crew was left to find Robin.

Tani ran beside the speeding captain and navigator. Concern was written all over their faces. Tani hadn't met anyone from Galley-la, so she wasn't really sure what to expect. There was something in the air that left her skin with goosebumps... Something was going to happen and she didn't like it much.

"There's dock-1," Nami huffed, slowing down to a jog. Letting her breath catch up with her. Tani stared at the large doors that lead to the dock. Her eyes wide with awe, it was huge! It would need to be, it was a dock for massive ships.

There was a massive group of citizens waiting around the front of the shipyard. All concerned with the well-being of Iceberg. There was chatter, about all sorts of things.

"Who would do such a thing?"

"Why now? Right before Aqua Laguna?"

"Why Iceberg? He's so kind,"

"I heard it was the Straw hat pirates that did it!"

That last one caught Tani off guard. Why would their crew be suspects?


Tani turned around to face a tall bridge that connected the above layers of the city. Standing there was a large cloth being held up by god knows what. From the way the sun was hitting the fabric, three figures could be seen. Two being the same size, and the centre being an all too familiar shape.

"Franky?" Tani whispered to herself. Luffy and Nami caught Tani's whisper.

"Franky?" Luffy repeats. Then loud music started to play. All the chatter from the citizens shifted to focus on the mystery people.

The citizens realize who it is, and begin to throw insults and hate towards Franky and his two companions. Tani was too confused about what to do. Luffy tried to get her attention, when that familiar gangster voice called out.

"Reveal yourself Straw hat Luffy!" Franky demanded. The cloth dropping to reveal two slender women with square shaped Afros posing dramatically with swords, to top it all off. Franky was standing there with a speedo on? Tani didn't see that last time. This world was robbing her of her purity every other Tuesday.

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