Rolling With The Punches, Let's Get Eye Of The Tiger Playing!

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Tani grumbled as she was brought the black eye mask, the thing stuck to her face like glue. The stupid striped sock hat was just as dumb, the electric blue and black stripes clashed horribly with her navy blue and yellow get up. She crossed her arms with a grumpy pout, sitting on the chair that Chopper used.

"Rule one of the Foxy pirates," Foxy mocked, she dead pan glared at him. "You can't help your old crew, you swore to follow my crew." he demanded. Sure captain ego bastard.

"So? You want me to treat you the same as I treated Luffy?" Tani smugly grinned. Foxy laughed.


"Alright you two piece looking bastard, I think your captain style is shit." she said with all the vulgarity that Sanji packed. She heard Luffy burst into laughter from the side lines.

"Let's just get this game over with," Tani grumbled. Ignoring the solemn expression of Foxy, he was gonna regret picking her while she was in such a bad mood.

"That's no way to talk to your captain!" Foxy shouted at her once he regained his composure. Tani death glared him, he cowered behind Hamburg and Porche.

They decided to get the game started.


The location of the game was a fun looking cliff side, it had the same shape as an inflatable giant slide that can be found at carnivals. In short, the spot looked awesome.

Nami, Usopp and Sanji all jogged down the hill to the starting point. Beside them was a small army of Foxy pirates. None of them being anything worthy of note, except maybe Porche, but she's an attention seeker so of course she's in another game.

The game was so simple, a baby could do it. A good old game of red light/green light, how they got the name, if they don't have traffic lights? Dunno.

The only rule is, don't get caught moving when the red light (the subjects eyes) are on you. Your objective is to be the first to touch the subjects shoulder. Super easy game.

Tonjit was the target. He stood at the top of the hill with his hands over his eyes. Hopefully Tonjit being in the Straw hats favour, would be a boon.

"Let the game," came the announcer. Tani crossed her arms and sat in the assigned seat. It wasn't hard to really play up the grump factor, she wanted Foxy to beg for Luffy to take her back. If she's in this world, she's adventuring with her nakama. Not these hack job losers... Was she being too mean? No.


Nami, Usopp and Sanji all sprinted up the hill. The Foxy army all barrelled beside them, Sanji made quick work of those who got too close to Nami or Usopp.

"Red light,"

Everyone froze on the spot, still as statues. About half of the Foxy team got caught, due to wobbles or falling over. Tonjit was harsh on his observations of the other team. Tani liked that.

"Usopp, head towards the left," Nami instructed. "It's more cliff side climbs, but you're good at that stuff," she grinned. Usopp gave her a nod, and thumbs up. Splitting off from Nami and Sanji, taking the high ground.

"Sanji, towards the right is a lot of steep paths." the red head pointed out. "With your leg power, I'm sure you'll get there in no time." she encouraged. Sanji smirked.

"If it means getting our dearest Tani back, I'd move heaven and earth." he spoke. Nami rolled her eyes playfully.

"What did I say about idolising women?" she teased. Sanji puffed his cheeks.

"I'm just stating my dedication to our stolen nakama," he pouted. Nami playfully bumped his shoulder.

"I know, just kidding you goof," she stated playfully. Sanji had that more natural smile on his face. The kind that's not all funny when he normally talks to the gorgeous navigator. "Focus on saving Tani," she reminded. Pushing him towards the fork that was approaching.

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