Dates Never Go Right In The Movies, Why Would They Here?

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"So this is a movie?" Usopp analysed, holding his chin. He stared at the moving images on the TV, the screen was showing the movie 'Alien'. The scene were the chest-burster showed up, was about to play. Tani watched Usopp with a wide eyed grin.


"Gilbert? What's wrong?" one of the cast said, heading towards the convulsing man. His back on the table, chest being pushed upwards. Usopp leaned in closer.

Grunts of pain, a larger protrusion.


Usopp let out a scream, so loud it rattled the glass. Tani burst into laughter, slapping her fist on the coffee table with each breath.

"Tani! Do I look like I have the money to replace that table?" Tani's mum scolded from the kitchen, she was preparing a large scale meal. Already aware of Luffy's appetite, she had a big storm coming.

Brook was staring at the radio, it was playing something fast paced. A sound he'd never heard before, was laced with the background. He'd just discovered electric guitars.

Robin was reading through Tani's history text book. Her eyes ablaze with excitement, gathering knowledge that would only have value to her.

Luffy was running around the house, holding up this or that. Asking questions about anything that caught his attention. It was like watching a puppy. Tani adored it, ready to answer any questions asked.

"Hey, if you live here. Where do you sleep?" Luffy asked. Putting a photo frame with a picture of Tani holding up a blue ribbon, back onto the shelf.

"Down this hallway," Tani waved over. Luffy followed behind with excitement. This was fun! Like an adventure, he got to meet his favourite persons family, and see her home. This was so cool!

Tani opened the door, the space wasn't large. A single bed with a couple of plush toys and pillows on it, a chest of draws, posters everywhere, a window with curtains. It wasn't much, but it was home.

"It smells like you in here," Luffy commented. Wandering in with a big grin. He dived for the bed, shoving his face into the comfy sheets. Inhaling, yep! Smelled like fruity shampoo and whatever other smells made up Tani.

"Funny bout that," Tani huffed with humour. Taking a seat on the bed, her legs hanging over the bed. She twisted her torso to face Luffy, who was looking up at her with his face squishing into the pillows.

God he looked so cute, she wanted to scream.

"It's pretty lonely in here," Luffy mumbled. That struck a nerve, not one that would cause anger in Tani... But a wave of sadness.

"I don't have any siblings, it's always been me and my mum. Just the two of us." Tani explained, a sense of melancholy in her voice. "I didn't have friends either, so nobody would come to visit." she shrugged.

Luffy lifted himself into a seated position.

"That's why I was so scared... Waking up to find myself in my bedroom, all alone." Tani's hands curled around each other. A slight hiccup in her voice. "I didn't want it to be a dream," she whispered.

Tani felt arms curl around her waist, a head rested itself on the base of her neck. A warmth covered her back, breathing in time with her.

"I told you already. You can't feel pain in dreams." Luffy puffed, Tani gave a weak chuckle.

"You did. Doesn't make it any less scary, to wake up alone." she sighed. Leaning back into Luffy, his grip tightening.

"I hate waking up alone too. I hate being alone." Luffy admitted. Tani could feel the grin, blooming on his face. "That's why I'm so happy to have my nakama with me. So I don't need to be alone." he beamed.

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