The Road To El Dorado Made This Look Far More Fun Than It Actually Is

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Sputters of light evaded the trees leaves and branches, the suns light from millions of miles away beamed down on the thin eyelids of a very sleepy Tani. She blinked once, twice, three times until the blur of her dreams drifted back into the depths of her mind.

Tani couldn't move. Her top half was held down by Luffy, who had managed to crawl all the way over from the other side of the camp. The captains backside was on her, so she had a full view of his bare chest rising and falling with every slow breath... Oh shit how her cheeks were warm! Curse you Luffy and your stupidly defined body!

The trapped girl did her best to wiggle at least one arm out of her prison. If only she could just... Reach her... Bag. Her fingernails dug into the dirt as she clawed towards her just out of reach bag. She was bound to have a snack in there that she could us to get him off.

"Breakfast!" Sanji called. Luffy's eyes snapped open so fast that Tani got whiplash just watching him move. He launched off her chest, her bones cracked painfully underneath. Ah right she needed to check for bruising from the impact dial... She realised she was still wearing a one piece swimsuit... And would have to remove the top half to get even a look at the wound.

The crew slowly woke up, though moved faster when they saw Luffy by the food. Sanji did his best to kick the bastard away. Tani took the distraction as an opportunity to slip away and check the damage. If it was really bad, she could just ask Chopper for some bandages.

Looking around with caution, she made sure she was absolutely alone before she pulled the straps off her shoulders and peeled the bathers down until it rolled around her waist. One arm covered her exposed chest instinctively. She tilted her head around to look at the side that was hit, a massive purplish bruise covered the bottom half of her ribs on the side. She poked it with a finger and hissed with the pain that bloomed up her side. Great...

"Tani, Luffy's gonna eat all the food if you don-"

Tani let out a shriek at the sudden noise, the voice was deeply masculine so she knew it was probably Zoro. Her face beat red she turned to glare at the man. His expression was indifferent... Until he spotted the bruise.

"When did you get that?" he asked with very very slight hints of concern. Though those hints were loud and clear for anyone that was familiar with the older teen. Tani turned her back to him. Rolling the bathing suit back over here chest with embarrassment. "Were you gonna tell Chopper? That needs to be checked out right away, you moron," Zoro said. The hypocrite.

"It's fine, I'll sleep it off like the rest of you monsters," Tani joked. Zoro didn't look impressed. He crossed his arms, standing as stiff as a tree in front of her.

"Lemme take a look," he asked, though it was more like a demand. Tani made an X shape with her arms while furiously shaking her head no. The swordsman narrowed his eyes at her with annoyance. "Would you prefer Chopper? Robin or Nami?" he asked with a levelled tone. Not allowing any annoyance he did have to bubble into his dialogue.

"It's fine, I've had an injury like this befo-"

"It took you a week to heal from that. A wound that takes any of us about a day to heal from," Zoro interrupted. Tani furrowed her brows. A hiss of disappointment escaped her lips, she really was at a disadvantage. "Don't think we haven't noticed Tani," Zoro added. The girl looked away from him.

"I'm getting Chopper. Stay here," he said calmly. Walking back through the bushes and foliage to collect the tiny doctor. Tani was left alone with her thoughts.

How wonderful to find yet another disadvantage of hers. It's like for every boon she discovers, a bane is found only moments later. She doesn't even feel human around these people. So many differences it's like she's once again an outcast. Even if her brain is telling her that she's fine and that they love her as nakama. She just...

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