Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Even Bigger Frying Pan

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Breaking into the prison was a stealth mission. Breaking out?

That was an action packed escape scene from the movies! Everyone punting marines out of the way, collecting more prisoners on the way up.

"Up ahead," Tani directed, the door to level 4 approached. Crocodile's hand shifted into a flurry of sand, which he flicked towards the door. The sturdy wood, crumbled into dust. Leaving the entrance wide open.

The group charged onward, an army of marine guards stood in their path. Luffy, Jinbe and Crocodile took the lead. Luffy using his rubber powers, and gear 2nd to knock back as many men as he could. Crocodile whipped sand around in large swipes, taking out just as many people as Luffy.

Jinbe stood back a little, taking on a square stance. Legs apart, one arm held to his body, while the other was held out, aimed towards the group of marines.

Next thing you know, he punches forward. The attack knocked down a large group of men, the guys all held this heads in pain before dropping like flies.

"Cool," Tani said with awe. The Fishman gave her a small smile, before steeling his expression and fighting harder.

Tani thought his fighting style was really cool! He didn't even need to touch his enemies to deal damage! Is that a Fishman thing? Or a pirate world thing? If neither...

"You have to show me how to do that," Tani bounced around Jinbe like a lost puppy. Wary not to get into his line of fire, heaven knows the damage that could do to her organs. Plus she needed to fight too, her bat swinging around with ease.

The warlord gave her an odd look, it was expression she couldn't put a name to. It wasn't a negative one though, so that was a good sign.

"This is Fishman karate," he explained, making a demonstration of the endless army of marine fodder. He punched forward, more men dropping. "It's a technique that allows us Fishmen to control the water around us." he sent out a swiping kick, men dropped to their knees in agony.

"So, you're manipulating their blood and brain juices... That's awesome." she beamed. Clonking a marine on the head, certain that she hadn't killed the guy. Jinbe gave her a larger smile, bordering on pride.

"Oi Tani!" her attention shifted to Luffy, the boy giving her a big grin. "Did you see me? I beat up all those guys by myself." he beamed. Crocodile gave a click of the tongue at that statement.

"Shrimp barely made a dent." he teased. Luffy ignored the ex-warlord, bouncing towards Tani with his pearly whites burning into her retinas.

This was all still a big adventure for him. Imagining him being so... Alone?

He spent the original version of the timeline with nothing but desperation, and no familiar moral support. It made Tani feel more determined to keep Luffy alive and well.

He hadn't lost 10 years of his life, he hadn't needed to hop himself up on adrenaline hormones, he wasn't fighting this fight alone.

"You were super! Amazing out there Lu," she gave him a thumbs up. Luffy hopped from foot to foot, dancing around happily.

"Hurry up brat," Trip groaned. Her mood souring more and more with every step they took into level 4.

"I don't think so," came a wispy voice, followed by the loud crack of a whip. A few heads turned to face-

"What the hell is she wearing?" Tani gawked. She didn't get a good look the last time they encountered this fluffy haired woman. Good god... Hot pink latex that hugged her curves in all the right places. Under-breast and stomach showing, Tani kept her eyes away from the woman's private areas.

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