Star-Board To Cardboard, It All Comes Tumbling

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The train wasn't very busy, for a Sunday morning. Not that she was complaining, it was better for her... Odd party.

Brook being the major oddity, being made of bones and all... Aren't we all made of bones though?

Now getting a giant skeleton man, into a public space without! Spooking every Tom, Dick and Harry, was going to be a challenge.

Usopp was on the case! All it took was an old pillow case, three sharpies, a pair of scissors, and three buttons. He managed to create an awesome looking mask, that fooled those who were none the wiser.

Everyone else was safe to board the train, Usopp jumping straight to his sketch book. Tani sat next to him, peering over at the extremely detailed drawings of modern technology. There were notes on the sides too, all very detailed and clear.

"Woah, I knew you could draw, but these are amazing," she praised. Usopp gave a little jump, moving to hide the book, only to realise it was Tani.

"They're just rough sketches, enough detail's so Franky and I can add upgrades to Sunny." Usopp explained, looking proud of himself.

"Mind if I take a look? Maybe I can add some more stuff to it." she asked. Usopp handed her the book with no hesitation. Tani flipped through the pages, seeing the microwave, toaster, TV, radio, mum's car, electric kettle, and a couple smaller things. The list was solid, not much she could add.

Tani felt her heart swell at the thought, of having these modern conveniences again. It would feel homey? Like she'd get to take a piece of home back with her. It was exciting!

"Are we there yet?" Luffy asked, leaning on Tani's shoulder.

"It's three more stops, Luffy." Robin told him. Shoving her head back into the book Tani's mother had purchased for her, on their grocery store trip. It talked of fallen empires, and lost civilisations. It was right up Robin's alley.

"But that's so far away," Luffy whined, sliding down Tani's shoulder, into her lap.

"Hina thinks Luffy's whining is annoying," the marine woman complained, itching to grab a cigarette. Only stopping because the signs on the train say not to. She might not be from this world, but she wasn't a rule breaker. That's more of a Smoker thing.

"Now arriving at, Bonbon park." the automated voice called. The automatic doors opening up with a beep. People wandered into the cart, others pushed past to leave.

"Now?" Luffy asked, lifting his face out of her lap. Tani shook her head, so Luffy dropped back into her lap with a groan.

"Why not look outside? There's a lot of really tall buildings to look at." Tani suggested. Luffy lifted his head back up, and smacked it into the window. Tani was genuinely surprised he didn't smash the glass open.

Luffy looked with awe, as everything whirled past in a blur. Buildings so tall, that even he would have trouble destroying one. Which he wouldn't, because that would be rude.

"It's been a while, since we've visited Star tower," Tani's mum said, sitting between Brook and Robin. She was having a great time, all this adventure! No wonder Tani wanted to go back.

"That's because the last time we went, some kid came up behind me and pushed me onto the open glass deck. The view was terrifying," Tani stressed.

"You do have a fear of heights," her mum reminded herself. "Don't get scared," mum teased. Tani poked her tongue out, mum returned the gesture.

"My only wonder," Brook started. "Is where the bell we're looking for, is located." he pondered. Tani gave a hum.

"I can hear it, when its close by. We just need to get within range... Oh, that reminds me," Tani trailed off, pulling her bag off the ground. She grabbed three bells off the bottom of the bag. Usopp was already handing her string, he knew the drill.

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