A Christmas Carol, Without The Creepy Ghosts!

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(A/N: Merry Christmas/Happy holidays everyone! Enjoy this Christmas special! It's not part of canon, just a little bit of fun to say thank you :3c

More notes at the end of the chapter, just wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday season from the get go! Smooches!)

"Baby it's cold, outside~" the mother/daughter duo sang with the radio. Tani sat beside her mother in the car, Santa hats adorned their heads.

The night? Was Christmas Eve, of the year 1994. Tani and her mother were on a mission, because Christmas Eve isn't Christmas Eve, without-

"Hey, have you ever thought about how creepy the lyrics are for 'Baby it's cold outside'?" Tani questioned. "Like, think about it. The lady wants to go home, and the dude is all. No, stay here." Tani heard her mother chuckle beside her.

"Well... When you put it like that," mum shook her head. "That song is kinda nasty... Too bad it sounds great," she shrugged. Tani had to agree, the song was catchy as hell.

The car stopped at a red light, the ladies were about half way to the destination.

"So I was thinking. In Christmas movies that have Santa, why do none of the adults believe in Santa? How would you explain the magic gifts?" Tani asked one of earth's biggest mysteries. Her mother thought about it for a moment.

"Memory altering magic." she replied. "The elves are conspiring against Santa, so they can take over the north pole." she grinned. Tani laughed.

"Now that's a movie, I wanna see." The traffic light turned green. "Maybe the elves haven't created a memory magic that can affect children." Tani plotted. The mother listened to her child's theoretical Christmas movie plot, with amusement.

The car took a turn, pulling into the parking lot of the local mall. Both ladies grabbed their bags, Tani with a backpack, while her mother held a clutch. The women stared at each other.

"You know what to do?" her mother asked. Tani rolled her eyes, then dramatically cracked her knuckles.

"Darling, we do this every year." Tani winked. Mum gave a snicker.

"Is that why, when you were 11. You got lost, and asked the help desk for, and I quote." she had a teasing gleam in her eye. Cleared her throat, "My mumma, with pompom hair and an ugly green sweater that has reindeer on it." her voice was wobbly and youthful. Tani's cheeks heated up.

"Oi! That's no my fault, they moved the candy isle" Tani pouted. Looking away from her mother, childishly. "Let's just get this done and done, I wanna eat." Tani perked up. Her mum held out a hand, which Tani clapped against her own.

Operation: Mini pudding party. Activate!

The pair ran off, splitting up to cover more ground. Tani's task was to collect all the sweets that would be needed for decoration. The best spot for that would be the reject shop at the back end of the mall.

Tani ducked and weaved around the hundreds of rabid adults, running around to finish their Christmas shopping. Years of roller skating, really paid off in the art of evasion. Near-missing outstretched bags, waving hands, oceans of people, and whatever else decided to throw itself at the young woman's way. She wouldn't fail in her mission to find the cheapest sweets in town.

Passing the flickering lights of the mall's back end, Tani knew she was getting closer. Utilising the lacking grip of the ground, Tani shifted her body weight, tilting so her feet would slide her around the corner.

There it was, in all its dodgy glory.

Totland's candy bar. A failed attempt at a franchise, created by this big family that had a falling out at some point. Now it was run by this lovely older gentleman, that spoiled kids rotten with wonderful treats. Which is probably why the place is still up and running.

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