Rain Rain Hurry Up And Get Here!

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Morning came and went, the strawhats were once again a tangle of limbs as they slept in their fort from the previous night's shenanigans. Sanji was the first to wake up, his face was dangerously close to Zoro's. Earning the unsuspecting swordsman a swift kick to the noggin.

A chain reaction ensues. Zoro jumped up, but his arm was linked around Chopper and sent the poor little guy flying. Usopp was elbowed in the ribs when Zoro pushed Sanji, Usopp slapped a hand onto Luffy's face. Luffy jerked awake but was still clinging to Tani's back and ended up throwing her into Nami when he jumped up. How? Who the hell knows!

"Sanji! Breakfast!" Luffy demanded. Having Zoro lift the captain off the pile and tossed him into one of the beds on the other side of the room. Nami pushed Tani off her, leaving Tani to topple onto the ground and smack into Chopper. The poor deer was dizzy from all the tossing and squashing.

"Shut up I'll make food in a moment," Sanji snarled at Luffy. Standing up and waltzing towards Nami and Tani with a dumb smile. "Allow me to help you beautiful angels up" he said with his hand held out. Nami took it while Tani hauled herself and Chopper onto their feet.

What a way to wake up in the morning!

Breakfast came and went. Usopp shared his dream about giant man eating plants and masked heroes, prompting the rest of the crew to share their own nightly dreams. Nami was swimming in riches like scrounge Mcduck, Chopper wandered around a candy land, Zoro and Sanji didn't dream and Luffy forgot what his dream was about. Vivi stayed silent through the whole conversation. It was clear that she had something on her mind. She didn't share it though, not even as they made a move to leave the town of Yuba.

"Thank you so much for your help Toto," Vivi thanked with a low bow. Toto smiled like a father to a child at her. He turned to Luffy, a small barrel with a lanyard and straw in his hands.

"Take care of yourselves, and good luck in your travels," Toto wished, handing the barrel to Luffy. The captain threw the lanyard around his neck, the barrel dangling from his neck as he thanked the man with a "shishishi".

The crew all waved goodbye, turning from whence they came... That journey being all for nothing. The town vanished as they walked in the swelting heat, expressions were turned down as they walked through the endless yellows of the desert.

"Come on guys its not that bad," Vivi said with a strained smile. "We just need to go back and stop them before they make it to-"

Luffy dropped to the ground in a cross-legged position and leaned against a dried up tree that poked out of the ground. Arms resting behind his head, pushing his treasured hat forward to cover his eyes. The crew halted their steps, staring at Luffy in confusion and disbelief.

"Oi Luffy," Nami narrowed her brows, "nows not the time to be resting, we've need to make it back to-"

"I don't feel like it," Luffy said stubbornly. "I want to have an adventure, and this is super boring so I don't wanna do it," he declared. Tani exchanged looks with Sanji and Usopp. Nobody knew what to do.

Vivi looked visibly distressed. Her mind running a million miles a second as she tried to comprehend what Luffy meant. Her face fell, dismounting eyelashes to stand in front of the now unmotivated captain.

"But... But I need your help to stop the rebels," she pleaded, water prickled at the corners of her eyes. Tani wanted to comfort her, but something in the air seemed to hold her back. Luffy lifted his head lazily.

"Well I don't wanna do that. We're pirates, not marines so why should we help if it's boring," Luffy retorted. Vivi took deep breaths to calm herself, her fists clenching in bubbling rage.

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