Chapter 5

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This chapter contains strong language(not really that strong though to be honest...)

It's been about a month since my father 'akumatized' Nathalie and my possible discovery of Ladybug's identity. Fortunately, the school dismissed the students early, so no pop quiz. I didn't tell a single soul of her identity, but I'm going against my mission. Does she truly deserve my silence? She was the one that blew up at me. Maybe I should go and talk to her.

What am I talking about? I need to focus on my mission.

"Adrien?" A voice snapped me out of my self-reflection. It was Kagami in her fencing uniform. Right we're fencing. "Beating you isn't fun when you're not at your best."

"You know me too well," I smiled.

She walked to a bench and sat down, patting a space next to her. "What's bothering you?"

I followed her gesture and sat beside her. "I found out something about someone. They didn't do anything bad, but it's a big shock. I don't know if I should tell her that I know."

"Is this about Marinette?" Her expression changed drastically to a hard frown.

"How did you know?"

She rolled her eyes. "You just told me."

"Oh. Right," I scratched the back of my head, "Yeah it involves her."

"I think you should mind your own business, Adrien." Kagami got up. "I'm going to go."

"Kagami wait!" She left. I was alone.

I threw my helmet on the ground in frustration. Why does everyone hate me?! First Marinette, Alya, and Nino, then Ladybug, and now Kagami? What did I even do?! Anger was raging inside me.

There was a rustling sound. I turned to see Marinette sitting alone at a distant bench. She was in the phone, probably talking to Alya or something. Should I tell her that I know?

Without thinking, my feet were walking towards her direction. My face was hot. Am I blushing?

"Marinette," I called out. She looked up surprised.

"Adrien?" She looked at my face but didn't smile. "Why is your face red?"

"Oh I uh... got sweaty?" Nice one Adrien. I pointed to a spot next to her. "Is this spot taken?"

She shrugged. "I guess not."

I sat down, twiddling my thumbs and legs. Marinette got her laptop and started typing. She didn't say anything.

Wanting to break the ice, I asked, "what are you typing?"

"College applications." She didn't even look at me.

"Cool! What colleges are you thinking about?"

"The standard fashion schools." Her tone has changed so much since I last talked to her. She wasn't stuttering, jumbling up words, or acting weird in general. Just... normal. I almost dislike it. Her bubbly personality was gone when I was with her.

Silence engulfed us. I clearly was not wanted. "Marinette?"

Still no reaction. Just typing.


That got her attention. However, she was still typing. "Do you need something?"

"Yes," here goes, "why do you guys hate me?"

She cocked her head to one side. "Elaborate."

"You guys haven't talked to me since the first day of school. Did I do something to tick you guys off?"

Marinette stopped typing. "Three years ago. May 28th. What event happened that day?"

"The massive akuma attack right? Where Hawkmoth and that woman with the peacock miraculous unleashed destruction right?" I tried my best not to sound too informed. From what I know, she doesn't know I'm Chat. "Did something happen to you?"

Her eyes began to water. "Yes."

Part of me wanted to press on, but the other part of me didn't want to see her cry. "Oh. Whatever I did... I am truly sorry."

She still didn't look at me. Tears fell. "Are you?"

"Yes of course!" My left hand gently touched her chin and had it face me. I used my other hand to wipe her tears. "I don't want to see you cry. Please!"

Her hand held mine. Unfortunately it was to take my hand off her chin. She didn't look me in the eyes. "Please do not touch me."

"Marinette I--"

She closed her laptop quietly and put it in her backpack. "I'm going to go."

"No wait!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her in to kiss her without thought. Now I'm thinking. What am I doing? She's dating Luka! She is Ladybug! I'm supposed to take her miraculous. Should I do it now? No. I'm just going to make her more mad. But my father would be madder.

Marinette forcefully pushed me away. Her expression read terrified and angry. "W-what.... Why?!"

"I don't know!"

She was shaking. "I have a boyfriend!"

"I- I know! I think I like you!" Adrien what the hell? Did I just say that?!

Her face was red. She touched her cheeks with her palms and covered her ears. Her miraculous! Wait stop Adrien!

Tears again started to well up in her eyes. "Adrien, you can't just waltz into this school like nothing happened, kiss me, and say you like me! You have hurt me more than even Chloe, and I don't know if I can ever forgive you for that!" She walked up to me and slapped me. "Don't EVER do that again!" She bolted out of the school.

I reached out. "Wait!"

Nice Adrien.

I covered my face with my hands in shame. Stupid Adrien! Now all I can think about is Marinette. I replayed what I said to her just moments before she slapped me. Do I like her? But she's Ladybug!


I walked outside. He knows. He knows her secret. She's still in the building. I need to warn her. I dug through my fencing bag to get my phone out. Scrolling down my contacts, I found Marinette's number.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Marinette," I greeted her, "It's Kagami."

"Oh hi Kagami."

I looked around. No one was near. My ride wasn't here yet, but I still have to be quick. "Listen closely Marinette. I was talking with Adrien. He says he knows something big about you. He knows you're Ladybug!"


"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," She took a pause. "he's coming this way!"

"Act natural and leave a soon a possible!"

"Got it! We need a team meeting pronto! My house 18:00. Notify the others."

"Will do."

[End of Chapter 5]

Yeah a lot happened in those 3 years.

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