Chapter 14

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It's a couple days before graduation. Nino wanted to hang out with me! I'm so excited to be with my best friend again. We haven't really spoken much throughout the year because of the drama stuff, but I'm glad we are able to put all of that behind us.

We hung out at his house and discussed future plans.

"What college are you going to Nino?" I asked curiously.

He tipped his hat. "I'm going to an American film school. I want to be a director and create the best movies ever! What about you Adrien?"

"I'm going to this one university in Milan!" I said with a happy face.

His eyes widened with a huge smile. "Woah dude seriously? Marinette's going to go there."

That's the best news I have heard all year! But then I realized... I'm probably going to ruin her life.

"Dude," Nino waved his hand in front of my face, "you okay?"

"Huh yeah why?" I snapped out of my mind.

"When I mentioned Marinette, you smiled... then frowned... then got angry... then looked sad again...?"

Hopefully he's not too suspicious. I scratched the back of my head. "Oh sorry, it's just the model gigs that my father has booked in the summer for me has stressed me out."

"Why is he making you do so many gigs? Your family is already a bazillionare."

"He wants to make sure I have something to do while I'm going abroad for this summer." I shrugged. In reality, I'm supposed to be hidden because I would have committed the felony.

Nino took his hat off and fanned himself. "Um Okay."

There was a moment of quiet... uncomfortable quiet. The sun was beating down. Summer weather was making its way to Paris.

"Are you ready to graduate?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I guess. My father's actually going to be there for once."

"Have you and Marinette talked recently? I know you guys aren't really good friends anymore."

"We're doing okay. I had to explain to her what happened."

He put his cap back on. "Makes sense. Glad you're on the same page then. Anyways, your father's coming to graduation? That's so unlike him."

"He's changed a lot!" I replied maybe a little too quickly.

"Uh ok." He shrugged.

"So how are you and Alya doing?" I asked, wanting to know about their relationship... not really, I just wanted to change the subject.

"Pretty good." He replied.

My phone rang. "Hello?"

"Adrien, I want you to come home immediately. Your bodyguard is here to pick you up." My father's voice loomed. It felt like he was watching right over me... which is probably not the craziest thing he has done.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"Get home Adrien." He hung up.

I shot up like a lightning bolt. "I gotta go! Sorry Nino!"

"Uh ok?" He waved awkwardly.

My feet bolted towards Gorilla's car. He sped his car all the way to my house, practically ignoring every traffic regulation. I sprinted to the door and barged in to see my father and Nathalie with concerned faces.

"What's going on?!" I puffed out, attempting to catch my breath.

My father, stood taller than he ever stood, walked slowly up to me. "What were you thinking?!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

A loud smack echoed the room as I fell to the cold ground. My left cheek burned red. I look at to see my father with his right hand finished with his attack, still as a rock.

"Father?" I trembled in fear.

"Mr. Agreste," Nathalie let out a small gasp.

He took a sharp breath. "You are talking with the enemy!"

"B-but Father," I quivered my lips, too afraid to stand up, "Nino's m-my friend!"

"Nino isn't your friend!" He shouted at me. "Haven't you noticed how he is always around Marinette! He is clearly working with her! He must have one of the miraculous!"

"Father! He wouldn't do that!" I cried.

"Think about child," he snapped back, "Don't you think it's weird that he's asking rather specific questions pertaining your precious Ladybug and most importantly me?!"

Now that he mentioned it... he asked rather particular questions. "No."

"Oh yes boy. They are working together to stop us from taking back what was once ours!" He placed his hand to his heart. "My love for your mother is a sign that we must fulfill this duty! Nino, Ladybug and her friends are creating obstacles for us!"

They... they can't be. "They can't! No they're my friends!"

"Think about it again." He walked away with Nathalie hesitating but quickly following him. I was alone yet again in my house.

Plagg flew out of my jacket. He looked at me with pity. I sensed him, wanting to say something, but I shoved him away. He made his way to my room, but he stopped at the top of the staircase to say an actual sentence. "Adrien. I know you'll choose the right path. You are a good person, and my favorite Chat Noir. Please know that."

I clenched my fist. I've been a fool all year. They've manipulated me, tricked me, and embarrassed me time and time again.

They aren't going to stop us.

[End Of Chapter 14]

Homestretch guyssssss!

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