Chapter 6

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Unfortunately, Luka wasn't able to arrive at the meeting due to his college workload. I'll catch him up later. Ayla, Nino, Chloe, Kagami, and I gather around the rooftop to discuss further action in regards to Adrien.

"I say we all confront him, and take him down! My father can easily have him banished from this city. Never to be seen again!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Yes, let's ban the son of a famous Parisian fashion designer. It'll look great for re-election season." Alya said sarcastically.

Nino chimes in. "What we need is a game plan. Confronting is definitely something, but how do we go about saying, 'hey Adrien, we know this cause we're also superheroes?'"

"It seems that whatever we do, one of us is going to have to reveal or confirm our superhero identities," I said hugging my knees closer to my chest, "I'm so sorry that I wasn't careful enough to evade him."

"Everyone makes mistakes," Kagami smiled, "so how are we going to confront him?"

"Wait hold on," Chloe intervened, "Marinette, you said that once you left Chat, he actually did follow you for a bit?"

"Yeah, and I'm quite positive I lost him because I didn't hear his pole or anything of his presence." I gasped. "Wait... you don't think..."

Everyone was thinking the exact same question. Could Adrien be Chat Noir?

"Chloe has a point," Kagami thought out loud, "both Adrien and Chat Noir disappeared around the same time. And they reappeared on the same day."

"Two coincidences usually equals the real deal dudes." Nino finished her thought.

"Oh this is a disaster!" I cried.

"Calm down girl. Everything's going to be just fine," Alya attempted to reassure me, "so let's think logically about this. Adrien could be Chat Noir and potentially saw Marinette transform back from Ladybug." She looked at me with determination but also sorrow.

I nodded and stood up. "Maybe we should trust Adrien. Did he betray us? Yes... very much. But we all know him well enough to know that he keeps secrets. Especially this one."

"You're right," Nino agreed, "Adrien was my best friend at one point and he would never say such a thing."

We all nodded in agreement. It was settled.

"I'll let Luka know of the situation when he comes back for fall break," I took a deep breath, "in the mean time, stay alert and protect your miraculous."

————— Time Skip —————

"He just kissed me out of no where! Then just said he liked me." I explained to Luka every detail of my encounter with Adrien which happened a couple weeks ago. Luka obviously wasn't pleased, but I could tell he was attempting to remain calm.

Today was this performance in Paris, and I'm so glad I get to see him again. He sang me a special song, having me fall deeper into him.
We sat on my rooftop, gazing at the beautiful stars, shining over Paris. We caught up on our lives. Unfortunately I wished I have better news.

"I'm happy you told me everything Marinette," he smiled but then frowned, "I do wish that Adrien respected our relationship."

"Yeah," I held his hand tighter, "I think he knows I'm Ladybug."

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