Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: This chapter was made before the introduction of the dragon and mouse miraculous. I did NOT have knowledge of their powers while creating this chapter.

Also this chapter contains strong language.

Before he could attack, I backflipped out of harm's way to my team. "Everybody," I shouted, "get ready for hell."

Mr. Agreste summoned demons from the underground, preparing to attack the helpless people trapped inside. The student body went for the demons. Chloe, Alya, Nino, Kagami, and I went to battle the man himself.

Ayla used her flute to summon clones of herself to help out with the demons. Kagami fires a breath of smoke. Nino used his shield to block off Agreste's blows while Chloe and I jumped in to attack.

The man doesn't even break a sweat and sends us all flying back. We go in again. This time Kagami and I combined our powers to restrain his arms. Nino chucks his shield out while Alya creates more clones, some hopping on the shield for an arial attack while the others took him head on. Chloe attempts to hit the man with her stinger.

As if he knew what we were doing, Mr. Agreste easily breaks the restraint. He whipped out Chat's staff and hit the shield, sending the clones flying while directing back to Nino and Alya. The shield thwacked them head on, knocking them out. He then kicks Chloe in the stomach, flying her back, hitting Kagami, and landing back against the stage border. Agreste morphed Chat's staff, using the earrings, to create a blaster, blasting the ceiling sending crumbles of debris down to Kagami and Chloe.

I hastily leaped over, grabbing Nino's shell and sent it flying, knocking the debris out of harm's way. The rest of the student body freed the civilians that were once trapped. Mr. Agreste raised his arms up again, creating larger and stronger demons. My friends awaited me for a signal.

"Kagami," I commanded, "turn the heat up!"

She took a deep breath and exhaled, sending in a harmless flame but a thick fog. Everyone went in blind to battle the demons. One by one we were able to knock down most of them; unfortunately more and more kept appearing. The newer miraculous holders were becoming weary. The monsters just kept raising and raising, coming back more formidable than before. Some ran into the man himself, knocking them down for the count.

"We're not getting anywhere!" Alya shrieked as she whacked a demon with her flute. "There are too many of them!"

"Alya, we have to get my earrings and the ring from him!" I shout back. "It's the only way!"


Remembering Oblivio's incident, I looked around, hoping my Ladybug senses were still working. Objects began glowing pink. Yes! First thing glow was a wooden plank that fell from the roof, next my whip, then Chloe's stinger, and finally Kagami.

I knew what to do.

"Alya, get me that wooden plank! Chloe activate your stinger and give it to me!" I shouted at them.

I tied the stinger to my whip. "Kagami, remove the smoke!"

She inhaled the smoke back, leaving us with visible demons and an evil Mr. Agreste.

"Cover me!" I told everyone that was still able to fight.

They battled left and right, creating a pathway for me to get to Agreste. I used the wooden plank as leverage while I try to shoot the stinger into the man. He nearly side kicked me, but I was able to leap into the air. My whip wrapped this kicking foot, and I yanked it down, stinging him paralyzed.

He was frozen still. His demons were still. The students used this chance to knock down the remaining monsters, and I used this time to swiftly take my earrings and the ring.

Suddenly my hand was gripped tightly by Mr. Agreste's hand. He broke through the stinger's power. With a cackled he ripped off the butterfly pin and tore the belt. He squeezed my hand tightly until I couldn't feel it. His arm pulled me in, wrapping his bicep around my neck. The other hand activated Cataclysm.

The students were prepped to attack.

"If you want this girl alive, I suggest you surrender now!" He grinned with evil spoiling over.


We ran out of the building safe and sound. We couldn't watch the fight obviously; the only thing we could base the fight off was sound. It was ferociously loud.

I looked to my mother who was distraught more than ever. I needed to talk to her. "Mother?"

She eyed me with desperation. "Why Adrien? Why did you help him?"

"I-I just wanted you back." I explained hopelessly. "Father told me that he could bring you back. That there was a way that we could be together again. Life without you was probably the worst thing ever. He never gave me the love and acceptance that you would give me when you were still here. I just wanted you back. I was willing to do anything to have someone to love me and accept me."

She knelt down on one knee. "Adrien," she placed her hand on my shoulder, "you know that I will always love you. And you have friends. These people that you worked with as superheroes, are the best people that you have ever met. They loved and accepted you, and what did you do? You left them. I want you to know that giving up halfway isn't going to get you anywhere, and choosing the right path is dangerous enough. But even if your father wasn't there for you, your friends were here."

"They probably would never want to talk to me ever again. They probably want me dead."

She chuckled. "If they wanted you dead, they would've done that a long time ago. They look pretty clever, especially that Ladybug. That Kwami has a stellar holder."

I blushed. "Yeah."

My mother put her other hand on my shoulder and gripped me tight. "Go to her."

"She's never going to accept me! I killed her boyfriend!"

"No, Gabriel did. Go to her! She needs you! Your Kwami needs you!"

I gasped. "How did you know we were superheroes?"

"A hunch!" She shoved me. "Now go!"

My walk turned into a sprint. I went into the crumbling building to see my father holding onto Marinette, without any of the miraculous on her, with Cataclysm activated.

"If you want this girl alive, I suggest you surrender you surrender now!"

They stood. I watched.

[End Of Chapter 17]


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