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Regina and Emma were sat in the brunettes car driving towards the college.

"So how was your trip to Beverly Hills with the Mills family" Emma asked looking across at Regina.

"Terrible. My family doesn't get along. All we did was argue. The only time we didn't was the funeral and the 2 minute silence when praying" Regina sighed as she thought about her trip.

"Are you serious" Emma asked laughing a little.

"Yeah. We can't stand each other. Even when we try to help each other we fight. We were agreeing that coming for the week was hard because of our lives and we still argued" the brunette replied getting annoyed at the thought of her family.

"How is your family so rich? What do they do" Emma asked knowing the Mills family is one of the richest in the world.

"My family have been rich for generations. The oldest child takes the family company we own when my dad dies. The second and third oldest becomes the CEO of multi-billionaire companies around the world" Regina explained glancing across at the blonde.

"Whoa that's a lot of money. Your the youngest right? Do you take anything" Emma asked softly trying not to sound curious.

"If there's a fourth child then that one takes the house. If not the father of the house picks which one. I'm the fourth child so I inherit my family mansion when my father dies. My father was the youngest but my aunt and uncle died before my grandfather. He took everything. His money is shared evenly between everyone" Regina replied smiling slightly at the fact she will have a big house.

"So you'll move there with all your money" Emma softly asked with curiosity.

"Your asking a lot of questions swan. Why" Regina asked glancing across at her.

"Just wondering" Emma replied as she placed her hand on Regina's thigh and moved it up.

"You put your hand down my skirt and I'll snap those fingers off" Regina quickly said with a frown growing.

"Awe. Is someone tired from doing it this morning" Emma asked walking her first two fingers up Regina's stomach.

"No. It's because I'm driving. Don't even think about it. Remember we're not dating and I make the rules in this little no strings hook up thing" Regina warned as she took Emma's hand and lifted it off.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know... wait I didn't agree to the part you making the rules" Emma replied confused at that rule.

"You did now" the brunette smirked as she glanced across.

Regina arrived at the college and parked her car in her spot. They got out and walked towards the school. Not saying a word as they did. Regina went to her office to drop her things off.

"I got to go. I'll see you later" Emma said shyly in the doorway.

"Alright. Remember what I said about being high or drunk. I won't fuck you if you do it" Regina warned which just made the blonde giggle.

Emma waved as she walked out. Laughing as she did. Regina grabbed what she needs for her first class and left to go teach it. The girls went the day as normal. Both thinking about each other. Regina didn't know if she had feelings for Emma. The blonde was her student and she was recently divorced. She only hooked up with Emma for a meaningless one night stand. She didn't plan on acting on her feelings though. Once Regina finished her day she went back to her office finishing off paperwork. Her door then knocked.

"Come in" Regina said looking up knowing it wasn't Emma. She wouldn't have knocked. The door opened and a professor walked in. One Regina was friends with. "Noel. Hi it's good to see you again" Regina said as she stood up to see her friend.

"And you. Heard you took the week off for a family problem. You alright" he asked as the pair hugged.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks. My grandmother died so I went back home to see my family that's all. How you been good looking" she asked offering a seat at her desk.

"Good yeah. A new born baby isn't easy but the Mrs and I are coping. How about you Regina? How you dealing with the divorce" Noel asked softly as it may have been a hard topic for her.

"I'm alright. It's been hard since I was with him for so long and he hurt me bad but I'm doing good" Regina replied with a nod and a smile.

"Oh bless you. Always here for you" he said as he gave her a look to show he meant it.

"Thanks Noel. Same goes for you" Regina replied causing both of them to smile.

Regina looked up and saw Emma walking into the office. She then saw Noel sat there and decided to knock.

"Hi professor Mills. I can come back later if your busy" Emma asked awkwardly in the doorway.

"Ow no it's fine. I'll get going. We can catch up more tomorrow" Noel said as he stood up with a smile and walked towards the door.

"Yes definitely" Regina replied walked around her desk and hugging Noel.

The taller man smiled as he pulled away. He then looked at Emma and recognised her.

"I remember you. The girl who plays the piano and sings. I heard you singing all of me and fix you. Your very talented" Noel said as he held his hand out to shake her hand.

"Thank you" she said shaking it and smiling brightly.

Before another word was spoken a knock was at the door. Getting the attention of all three. Stood at Regina's door were two officers in uniform.

"Regina Mills" one asked looking at the brunette.

"Yes. Why" Regina asked moving in front of Emma and Noel.

"What's going on here" Emma asked confused as to why they were there.

"Your under arrest for the suspicion of the murder of Joshua Mills" the other one said as he walked behind her taking handcuffs out.

"What? Why? I didn't do anything" Regina asked worried as the man cuffed her hands together.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say now can and will be used against in the court of law" the man said walking Regina forward out of her office.

"Emma call my dad" Regina shouts as she is being taken out.

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